20th Xbox anniversary: could we Expect some something?

As you know, next november Will sign the 20th Xbox anniversary and i was thinking: Is Xbox going to prepare something special? A 20th anniversary show could be the right Place to show some new titles and why not, new acquisitions.

What do you think?

Are there any info about a possibile show?


There will be a fridge. Think they are saving the big guns for the TGAs


This made me laugh more than it should have .


It Will be a thing anyway

I’m expecting a documentary of the 20 years of Xbox. Probably some interviews in it or outside of it. And maybe a few BC games. Not much else.

Anniversaries happen all the time and nothing big happens around them.


An X021 would be the best case scenario, but IDK, with covid it’s really difficult, maybe they could do a digital fanfest like QuakeCon.

We’ll see, at least they’ll acknowledge the moment with videos, promotions, interviews, special surprises, etc…acquisitions? XD

The only noteworthy thing to happen for an anniversary was the PSX inspired PS4. That, and its controller, were pretty sexy. Very limited as well. That’s a machine I really wish I got.

Hard to expect something like that with the Series consoles considering how hard they are to find.

I could see some interviews and what the future holds in terms of ambition

I think that’s the latest they show Infinite’s campaign

I imagine they have to have something planned.

It would be extremely disappointing, and almost embarrassing if Xbox’s 20th anniversary is nothing but tweets and blog posts.

Like they’ve had year to plan some kind of anniversary something around COVID.

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Yeah like some fps boosts …

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Oh I’m sure gamepass will be fed :wink:

Honestly I could see it.

Drop some random OG + 360 back compat games (at least some of the Bethesda ones at least) some FPS boost titles, and then show Avowed footage.

Bam, celebrate 4 generations of Xbox at once.

They will announce the remake of Azurik

We gotta get Bloodwake back.

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Here’s some of the stuff I think we COULD see, I am not expecting all of them. God no. Just ideas:

  • Documentary
  • Worldwide installations
  • Acquisitions
  • XO
  • Halo Infinite campaign
  • Halo TV Show trailer
  • Footage from upcoming games (likely from Avowed, Redfall or Hellblade if any)
  • Reveal of one or more of their unannounced games
  • Fanfest Q+A with Team Xbox
  • Video testimonials from studio heads.
  • Halo Infinite Flighting
  • In game events in FH5, Sea of Thieves, FO76, ESO and/or SoD2
  • New Xbox theme
  • New games in FPS boost/back compat.
  • Free game for everyone (maybe MCC?)
  • Game Pass additions

Those are some of my guesses. I suspect they won’t do nothing. But it could range from small to big what they do. All I can say for sure is don’t expect a big in-person thing.


Xbox launched on November 15th, 2001.

So we’re a month away from the 20th anniversary.

IF there’s something, I imagine we’ll start hearing mumurs about it soon.

A tweet.


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I doubt it. I’ve learned to temper expectations from ms.