Your most played games of the generation

Mine is Siege. Going 5 years strong.

  1. Apex Legends ~ 1046 hrs (WTF???)
  2. Monster Hunter World ~ 539 hrs
  3. Titanfall 2 ~ 534 hrs
  1. Rocket League - 1331 hours
  2. PUBG - 865 hours
  3. Rainbow Six Siege - 725 hours


It started with Gears 3/4 then I’ve clocked up hundred of hours in PUBG across all consoles and PC. But in Lockdown from my family playing GTA5 Online I’m playing daily.

As a single player experience BOTW and it’s not even close

  1. Slay the Spire (so much for “next gen” gaming)
  2. Path of Exile

According to my Xbox I have 540 hours in Destiny 2.

If Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn counts even though it started life as a PS3 game, it’s that. I don’t even know how many hours I have in that game, but definitely over a thousand.

BF4 and BFV are both reaching the 400h mark, followed by AC: Origins around 150 and then a bunch of games in the 80 to 100 range (AC: Odyssey, FH2/3/4,…)