Oh okay
I was about to put out an order that no one is allowed to buy you beer
Oh okay
I was about to put out an order that no one is allowed to buy you beer
I actually can’t make it, forgot I’m out of town for a wedding kick some ass without me
Username Gamertag
@Doncabesa GT: Doncabesa
@commanderbuck GT:Sc4rfac31891
@SoulBlazerz GT: Soulblazerz
@OneBadMutha GT: OneBadMutha
@Mostlyharmless GT: M0stly harmless
@PoderickPayne GT: Poderick Payne
Amanda (My Wife) GT: Mandalaaxo
@Somnia GT: SomniaGG
@nrXic GT: nrXic
@Opatschi GT: Opatschi
@profjjj GT: profjjj
@TavishHill GT: tavishhill2003
Rescheduled for the 1st as this week’s Halo Infinite tech test is 4v4 only. We can do BTB on the 1st of October but it will not become available until 8pm EDT so have to move things back and hour. test runs 4 hours, doubt we go that long.
This is truly stress tesing - intentionally squeezing everyone into a 4 hour window. 3 days - 4+4 hours.
Yarp, you can see they really want to break things.
And it sounds like the second week they are opening it up even more. Probably either all Xbox insiders or open to everyone.
Are the timezones the same for the entire world? Because some regions will be getting supremely screwed over
London time for instance. There first timframe will be 7pm to 11pm, which is fine. But their next one is 1am to 5am???
Yeah that second time slot for UK is not going to stress the server in any way lol.
The company running the game’s time zone is generally the one that they set things by because they need people on the clock the entire time.
More people bombarding the servers is not necessarily the only stress test.
If the count in the UK players connected to the server goes down due to overlapping with their sleep times, do you auto-decrease the number of UK servers and allow the UK players to connect with the US or Asian servers with a higher ping? These are also good test parameters.
Username Gamertag
@Doncabesa GT: Doncabesa
@commanderbuck GT:Sc4rfac31891
@SoulBlazerz GT: Soulblazerz
@OneBadMutha GT: OneBadMutha
@Mostlyharmless GT: M0stly harmless
@PoderickPayne GT: Poderick Payne
Amanda (My Wife) GT: Mandalaaxo
@Somnia GT: SomniaGG
@nrXic GT: nrXic
@Opatschi GT: Opatschi
@profjjj GT: profjjj
@TavishHill GT: tavishhill2003
Reminder, this friday at 8pm’ish! Anyone who sees this and isn’t signed up we can keep taking names and see who shows up, I’m sure if we have extra we could get people together for a 2nd group that want to play together.
8pm what time zone?
@Doncabesa are you doing a stream?
Yep, it will be on our twitch channel.
I might stay out then, coul be drunk
I’d love to join you all if there is any room.
I’m down for some BTB if possible
GT: ii Stryker
I’ll start sending out invites around 7:50 or so. We’ll do a party so everyone can chat but it won’t be streamed out so you don’t have to worry about being too loud or anything.