I’m still deciding if I will buy standard or ultimate. The difference is huge in Brazil, but I want to play this sotry DLC no matter what it is.
I need to know more about the DLC before I commit to a $30 upper.
Thanks! Didnt watch anything as I want to go fresh like the 1st one but excited cause Judgment was incredible.
Yeah, I’m still not sure what it is really. I went with the Standard, but I assume you will be able to purchase the DLC separately, so I’ll do so if it is something that might interest me.
I went with ultimate. You get the game earlier and the additional story stuff.
You are all talking about Lost Judgment and I am here still trying to get through the mainline series and I am only on Kiwami 2 .
Earlier really? When exactly?
You get 3 days early access for Ultimate and I think the Deluxe edition too. So September 21st.
I mean, you don’t need to play the Yakuza series whatsoever for the Judgment series. Personally I haven’t gotten to 5 and 6 yet.
You can go play it. It’s a brand new franchise. For me as awesome as Yakuza Zero if not better.
@PhantomFox @The_Xboxer Yeah I know, but it was more of a joke as to how many games I need to get through with this series and more keep coming lol.
At moment the mainline series is more important because I want to get through Kiryu’s story while the games are on Game Pass.
Ah ok lol fine then take your time cause you’ll have a lot of games to play. Don’t make an overdose. But Kiryu’s saga is really great to follow you’ll like it I think.
Besides that, one game I would love to see coming to the West is Yakuza Ishin but a Kiwami version, aka proper “extreme” remake would be welcome.
Yeah, like @The_Xboxer said, don’t burn yourself out! You can pick these games up for like 15 USD apiece on sale so it’s not a massive price if you miss out. And believe me, it’s sad when you run out of games in the series
I hope CyricZ got the Ultimate edition then
Still very confused on how lost judgment is for $55.99 on Canadian xbox store because retail here is $79.99 and same with PSN store
It looks like the the Deluxe and Ultimate Editions are correctly priced too, about 5 USD more expensive than the US equivalents compared to roughly 45 USD for the standard version instead of the 60 USD that costs here in the US.
Shhh don’t let them fix it.
Not till after they charge me, anyway
lol that’s what i am hoping for, but just feels so weird. I cancelled my physical copy due to this error, but its been there for months
might be bad news for this thread?
Not happy with this. If it’s done it’s almost sure also to see Nagoshi poach talent & take his buddies back with him…