Relying on Rush almost exclusively in 0, it was a bit of a shock going to the other games lol.
I’ve finished Judgment this weekend and after rewatching all the trailers from Lost Judgment I can say I’m very hyped and intrigued by them. Anxiously waiting for 24/09
Interesting, would you say the regular fighting style is akin to brawler?
I need both pinkies form every person who worked on and approved of the drone racing in Judgment.
Essentially, yes.
You mean that in a bad way? Drone racing is great.
I was struggling with the championship cup. The ridiculous AI makes it way too difficult, I’ll take Dragon Kart any day.
Oh yeah, if you’re going for the completion then I see what you mean. It can get pretty insane in terms of difficulty. One mistake and you’re done. But the minigame in general is fun I’d say.
I can’t even imagine playing Yakuza games for completion. There is so much stuff in there and lots of it is not that fun lol.
Oh yeah, it’s total madness. I only ever “completed” LAD, though I came close on 0. I intend to knock out 6 too, but I’m pacing the achievements for MS Rewards points.
In this instance though, you do need to beat the championship cup (among other things) to get unlimited access to VR, which means basically infinite money which also means basically infinite experience. VR access is just really weirdly limited from what I can tell. I think you can only get the passes from gambling or as a rare drop, and you need multiple passes for a single play session.
As a side note, you need to have maxed out all 50 friendships to access all the side content (including the traditional fight with Amon extra characters to hide the nature of the spoiler, apparently), so having resources to throw at cheat items will make the Mahjong one doable for me I hope
Had no issues with the championship cup. Your drone has to be upgraded with a lot of the best parts. You can also back out in between races, so you can save after each and try each race as many times as it takes. Building all the parts for that part of the completion was a chore, but wasn’t hard. Need to get a lot of components. Yea VR is somewhat limited until you get unlimited access. I managed to have enough passes to play a lot of games, but having the unlimited definitely helps with grinding out some of the last few things that require a lot of money. Quickstarter for instance.
Yup, even with these things done, it was still a pain. Not my problem anymore, now I can get back to committing solving crimes
Am I doing something wrong? I bought the Peerless Pole, but am standing there for minutes at a time and the fish just don’t bite at all.
New Lost Judgment gameplay trailer. It’s pretty meaty, being 5 minutes long. It’s in Japanese, however. Expect an English version soon.
The more I see footages from Lost Judgment, the more I believe this game will be the best Yakuza entry so far
I feel the same way.
Not for me, guess I was just good at it
Wish I could help but it’s been a few years. Hope this isn’t insulting, but do you have bait?
I am waiting for Judgement to hit gamepass one day. Super keen to try it out
Also @SpiderLink I saw a little glimpse of drone racing in the new Lost Judgment trailer.