I’m switching to pc this year, so I can’t get it on other account sadly
Switching to PC? Meaning?
Ideally, go for the full GPU - and get the 32 months - but on a new account.
I had the idea gamesharing doesn’t work on pc?, So if I wanted to use game pass pc I had to play through that secondary account not actually my original one with all the save files…
Aah. That will be difficult. Sharing saves is not possible across accounts - anywhere - not just on xbox/pc.
I am going to finish my current games and then start the newer ones on the newer account. I don’t intend to revisit older games with my older account anymore.
For the credit card issue that you were facing.
I got a mail from a different online service which hints at what might be happening
Yeah this whole RBI mess has been affecting a lot of people and I wouldn’t be surprised if its the source in my case too. BTW did you see that even MS acknowledged this RBI issue for some and gave them 8 more months as a sorry? Lol
Did you get 8 more months? LOL
If you had contacted your bank they would have actually given you more information.
BTW - I got more information on this. My credit card automated payments were failing. I contacted the card provider.
They told me this - All automated payment mandates will only be through the debit card or savings account. Not for credit cards anymore. You can’t give an online recurring subscription through a credit card.
You can do a one time direct payment by a credit card, but not give instructions or give permission for a recurring automatic payment through a credit card.
Well I didn’t get that 8 more months, F.
Anyway, that only makes this more confusing because I don’t have a credit card myself and had been using debit card most of the time, and it stopped working recently.
LOL - then it might a very specific problem. Check in with your bank anyway. If there is something the rest of us should know, share it.
Will do, thanks for the above info tho, might come in handy!
I get the feeling that due to the pandemic, a lot people might have defaulted heavily on their credit cards.
@Predrag - You’re the best! Thanks for the title image!
It’s that time again. It was last month but my dumb ass forgot to turn off recurring billing.
I wanted to be extra sure I’m doing this right. I have to turn off recurring billing, done that. But I was told I can’t redeem 3 years of XBLG at once, that’s nonsense, right?
Buy three years of gold. Redeem the codes and buy one month of GPU because the trial only works once, correct? And then it should merge automatically?
Check this post
Thing is, none of those seem to apply to us, since we only got one day left.
Two years ago or so I paid one euro for one month of GPU and the merging went automatically. But now we need to pay the normal amount for GPU and I’m being told that the merging doesn’t go automatically, lol.
Check with Brit or Jon
For some reason I still have my sub, but I’m sure tomorrow it will have ended. The thing is…
My brother this time wants to activate Gold and GPU because only the primary user can use Xcloud. But also, he’s not within the reach of his Xbox tomorrow.
So my question is…he can easily redeem Gold via Xbox.com, right? But how can he upgrade/merge GP Ultimate via the website or can this only be done on his Xbox itself?
Batsignal to @BRiT
When I signed up a few accounts for GamePass then later on GamePass Ultimate everything I ever did was via the Xbox.com website. I can’t imagine they removed any of that functionality.
Just bought 36 months of XGPU using the conversion trick (3x12 months of XLG + 1 month of XGPU). I followed this guide: https://xgpu.deals/ - everything is explained step-by-step. I believe some of you might find this guide interesting.