XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

Yes, it was my bad. Thanks.

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I’ve noticed that the major sales where they place hundreds of titles on sale normally run about every 2-3 months, I think we typically see one in January as a new year sale, a spring sale, some sort of summer sale, maybe a back to school sale, and then the holiday / black friday sale. But yeah in general it can be hard to plan for what to get when.

  • +1 - Metroid: Zero Mission (WiiU) - the inclusion of Zero Mission in NSO made me want to go through all the WiiU GBA/DS games I picked up from Nintendo before they shut down the eshop there last year. I never had the opportunity to play this on GBA (was relatively poor growing up) so I was stoked to pick this up for my collection when I did. Having played and loved the first (and the entire series), I legitimately think this was an improvement in all ways except one: the terrible stealth section in the Zero Suit before getting the Gravity Suit at the end. Everything else was perfection, the improved visuals and audio, lessened difficulty, inclusion of new cinematics and story beats. There was a time when Nintendo defined what a great remake was, and while they still have that magic occassionally, I think Xbox and Capcom have taken the crown for most consistent quality remakes. This remake however, was incredible and has me even more excited to play the Metroid 2 remake I’ve got on 3DS next :slight_smile:

Total = 13.5


I think I give up this year guys. I was able to get a good job (for a while :sob:) and I had these supressed desires of buying things and well, steam summer sales just started and I now have 100+ games in my library :c

Good luck to everyone!


+0 Botany Manor

A very enjoyable walking sim puzzler where you find seeds and clues around the titular manor, attempting to grow them, in the late 1800s. It also explores the hardships of being a woman in the sciences, especially during that time period. I highly recommend playing it while it’s on Game Pass!


A fallen champion.


Finished up The Last Campfire this morning, +1

Great game, and anyone who has it should definitely check it out. Simple puzzles with a great touching story.


I’ve had it in my backlog for a while, but now I may have to push this to the front. Two recs now from peeps with great taste :slight_smile:


-1 Unichrome: A 1 bit Unicorn Adventure

Another one on my wishlist that randomly went on sale. It’s a run and gun in the style of a classic atari game. We all these boomer shooters reliving the OG Doom, voxel graphics alluding to 8 bit graphics, and a few RPGs in the 16 bit style, but it’s rare to find something new in the style of Atari. It piqued my interest when I first saw it.


That’s definitely interesting looking, and I see it’s probably appealing for achievement hunters with 5000 gs, especially at the reduced price. Enjoy!

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There were a lot of games in my wishlist for less than one dollar and I just couldn’t resist!


How are free games handled? I started on Bleach Brave Souls today, and I almost have all the achievements. With it being a F2P game, that’s the closest thing to a completion in my eyes. Would it be - 1 because I intentionally started it? Then +1 when I finish? Or is it considered a gift because it’s free, and thus exempt from points?

We don’t count F2P games, that would become messy fast.


I finally finished up one I’ve been chipping away at since December 2015…

Bridge Constructor +1

The idea of this game & the puzzles are fun - build bridges in different scenarios to get cars, small panel trucks, and a gas tanker truck to the goal within budget constraints, and you typically have to rebuild to get the truck across with a larger budget once you’ve completed the first part - but they definitely get very challenging once you get into it a bit. The controls / UI don’t make things easy at times. I’ve got 3 more of these, all of which I’ve started (Portal, Dead Walking, Stunts), but they’ll probably stay in my backlog for now as I don’t think I can take more of this type of game at the moment. I think they made a mobile version of these & it seems like that one is more forgiving, I kind of wish they’d gone that route for the console versions too.

  • +1 Triangle Strategy (Steam)
  • New Total = 7.5

I didn’t really know anything about this game going into it - other than it was a tactical rpg and that it had HD-2D graphics. I have played a lot of tactical games over the years, but not many of this exact “old school” type - where your characters are basically on a map grid and “facing” at the end of each turn is a huge part of the tactics. I ended up enjoying the combat quite a bit, though I did not find it as satisfying as many other tactical games (like Fire Emblem or XCom).

There are quite a few interesting things going on with this game, but I’ll just focus on a couple here. The game is MUCH more narratively heavy than I thought it would be. I was shocked by the depth of the story, the amount of dialogue (all fully voiced), and the “maturity” and complexity of the story telling. This is not a game (usually) with simple good vs evil story telling.

The story basically involves the protagonist and his allies trying to do the best they can in a series of nearly impossible situations. They are always the underdogs and no choice they make is perfect. There are always tradeoffs.

Decisions in the game revolve around three values: morality, utility, and liberty. Each is championed by one or more characters in the party. These values are often in conflict, so a decision that focuses on utility may sacrifice morality, etc.

These decisions create meaningful branches in the story. So, a decision may unlock a new area or character while locking you out of others. These decisions culminate in one of four distinct endings.

This brings me to one of my gripes with the game. While some of the above was explained in game, not all of it was - so I didn’t completely understand the consequences of the decisions until I finally checked a guide about 20 hours into my playthrough.

My other major gripe was that I was consistently under leveled for fights through the first half of the game - despite doing (what I thought) was all of the content in the game. It took me many hours to realize that I could repeat all of the optional fights in the game to level up. While this “works” to fix the under leveled problem it seems like a suboptimal solution to me.

Anyway, I could write another ten paragraphs about this game, but I’ll stop here. I enjoyed this quite a bit despite having a few gripes. Overall, I would give it about an 8 out of 10.

It took me about 50 hours to complete the game - but part of that was due to “user error” and having to repeat a few areas where I screwed something up. It takes 4 playthroughs to see the entire game (there is a new game+), but I doubt I will revisit it. I have way too many games in the backlog to replay any game other than the occasional 10/10.


I went and checked out a trailer after reading your description, it certainly seems like an interesting game! Glad you enjoyed it :slightly_smiling_face:

  • +1 - Banjo-Kazooie (Rare Replay/X360) - continuing the Rare Replay tackling since I’m back on that hook. Still absolutely love this game, but there are obviously plenty of elements that haven’t aged well (looking at you camera…). Rare is one of the first, if not the first, studio that I ever became a fan of, in the sense that any time a new Rare game was announced for the SNES or N64, I knew I would most likely love it. That point absolutely still stands true today (and as a Kinect owner, I would argue they made the best Kinect content). Anyway, mistakenly grabbed all jiggies, and all of the unlockables, because I thought I needed them… so this is the first full 100% collection-completion I’ve run through in at least a decade :slight_smile:

Total = 14.5


I really should play the Banjo games, just for general knowledge if nothing else. How rough is it?

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Rough? I don’t know what you mean. Sure, it’s an N64 game, but the port is done well. As for the completion? Again, it’s an N64 game, so not that long and accessible to kids. I would recommend playing the OG, then if you want more, you can play Tooie.

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Rough as in old ass game :wink: I’ll give it a try someday then.

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