XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

+0 Lil Gator Game

A short, cute collectathon adventure that you play the titular Lil Gator trying to convince your older sister to play with you. I enjoyed it enough, mostly for all the Zelda references. It’s obviously inspired by the 3D Zelda games, if you are a fan of those.


No, Banjo is TIMELESS, not old. The humor, story, characters, writing, and music stand up even today. The only outdated aspect is probably all the collectables, but you don’t need them all to complete the game.


Ace Combat 7 +1

Never played one of these before and think after Maverick came out at the cinema and seeing it in sales a number of times I grabbed it a while back. Played on easy as wasn’t sure what to expect and glad I did as hit some a nasty difficulty spike for me on one mission and needed to consult a guide.

I can see how this game appeals and the story was pretty mad and enjoyed the twists. Running some of the missions taking out ground targets brought back memories of desert strike so a nostalgia trip too. Would have been nice to spend more time on it and redoing missions but lack the time and probably skill lol.

I’ve moved onto two games now Far Cry 4 after finishing 3 early in the year - picked up both in a sale a while ago and enjoyed 3. The other is AI: Somnium - was this on game pass for a while as think that’s where I started in back 2022 but must have bought it at some point.

Good to read other peoples progress and impressions on games.


Played this recently as well and enjoyed it more than A Short Hike, which is very similar. A fairly quick and easy 1000G, too.


-1 Solasta: Crown of the Magister

I really enjoyed it while it was on Game Pass, but didn’t complete it. It’s now on sale, so I picked it up. I believe it’s the most faithful video game adaptation of a tabletop RPG. Solasta specifically is based on D&d 5th edition.


I never got around to that… Looks interesting.

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We has another Monday, so update time! Sad news this week where our reigning champion Jorge succumbed to the temptations of the dark side and crashed and burned in a massive pile of purchased games. Tsk, tsk. I hope you’ll join us again next year, Jorge! :wink:

Current leaderboard:

  1. @Zip 21.5

  2. @Searsy82 17

  3. @SilentJay76 17

  4. @Knottian 14.5

  5. @ACyberRazorCut 10.5

  6. @vrinn 9

  7. @profjjj 7.5

  8. . @ Mort 5

  9. @MasterLeePhD 3.5

  10. @Rodya 2

  11. @APOPHIS1989 -3


+1 Pity Pit

It’s basically a Dig Dug clone. Since I will be away this week, I planned to do a large GS completion to keep me in the running for the GS challenge, and I chose this game for that purpose. Though it didn’t really matter, since season 7 of the GS challenge ended earlier today. (I won!)


+1 Red Death

I noticed my completion percentage wasn’t increasing as much when I completed a game, so looked back through my recent games and realized that I hadn’t fully completed it, so I went ahead and topped it off. It’s a shoot em up with an arcade feel, pretty standard in all respects.


I thought I was going to have a minus one because something I remember wanting to check out (Reagan Gorbachev) is on sale, but apparently my past self already bought it at some point. Now I’m stuck wondering if I got it as cheap as it is now… I think I remember hearing about it on Major Nelson Radio possibly.