XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?


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She’s great as well. Only Sebastian is truly uninteresting and boring.

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+1 To the Moon and Beyond

A game from Nasa that is basically RNG: The Game. It’s easy achievements but not particularly fun.


The story and characters is the saving grace of that game. The very repetitive level design and combat pulls it down a lot though.

But, it still has a Dragon Age feel to it at least, much more so than Inquisition or what the Veilguard abomination seems to have.

I really like DA:I combat. The story is nice too, but some companions are really wasted like Blackwall or Cole. The whole world is just empty with fetch quests. And the horse is useless. At least Solas and the Trespasser DLC are great.

DA:I felt like I was playing an abandoned MMO where I was the last player left.

Trespasser was good though!

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Yeah, that’s actually the perfect description. :sweat_smile:

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+? Alternity Experience

It’s a short walking sim about defending your house from aliens. Light on story, big on action. @Mort and the council will have to decide if I get a point. I made it to the end of the game, where you follow an alien around the house to get the symbols to unlock the forcefield so you can escape. Unfortunately with my bad vision, I can’t see the symbols. They are in purple, within the alien’s purple light vision cone, in the house now filled with purple mist. I tried sitting right next to the TV, which allowed me to guess at the symbols, but I was never confident. I started to try brute forcing it, but it’s a five symbol code, and each one can be any of a dozen symbols. Eventually, the alien found me and I have to restart from a checkpoint, so I gave up…

Well, I say this one counts… you made it to the end, and as someone who’s nearly blind without my glasses, I feel that pain. If I’m a member of the council, I approve the point earnage.

Also… @Mort are there robes for the Council? I’m thinking we could have a virtual meeting all dressed akin to the Village Council from Hot Fuzz…


Certainly a point! You gave it your best. :slight_smile:

That’s a good thing about bigger games and the somewhat recent push for accessibility, wether it’s adjusting colors for visibility or as in my case combat motion sickness. The only games I’ve have to completely abandon are small indie games in first person with crappy cameras with no settings to adjust like FOV, camera movement etc. where my usual out of game tricks just isn’t sufficient.

Haha, for sure. Now I need to watch that again haha.

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Some of these deals…


I’m in the middle of my beach trip, but have had plenty of time to game on the ROG Ally. 90% of that time has gone to Triangle Strategy, but I took a break this morning to knock out Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe. +1

New Total = 6.5

Great, short game. Very unique and funny. I wasn’t using a guide, so I’m not sure how many unique endings there are, but I got about ten after playing for 2-ish hours. At some point I’ll go back and use a guide to get them all, but for now I’ll call it a completion.

Triangle Strategy is quite good, btw. It isn’t blowing me away like Unicorn Overlord did, but it’s still lots of fun. It has way more narrative and rpg elements than I was expecting and it has branches in the narrative that (I assume) create some decent replayability. I’ll give fuller impressions once I’ve finished it.


There are DOZENS of endings. Did you escape the facility? That’s considered the “real” ending. Either way, I say you deserve a point for that many ending without a guide.


+0 Palworld

I didn’t enjoy it at first playing solo. But then I played with friends that gave me good armor and an assault rifle, and then it was more fun! I guess it’s just one of those games better playing with friends.


I really need to get into this game more… loved what I played thus far, but like you, I was solo and it really needs multiple people.

I’m loving see all these impressions, and the beaten games they coincide with - love seeing people actually play games :green_heart:

  • +.5 - Wolfenstein II: The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe - I clearly saved the best for last with these DLC. I love that they completely forego any stealth and encourage an all out rampage with this character. Loved the story and I won’t ever down a chance to kill some Nazis, but they threw in some KKK and Confederate types and it hit almost all my revenge-fantasy targets. Perfection.

Total = 11


I agree. It is especially helpful to hear about Game Pass games or new games that you are unsure about buying. I have been told that I play games differently than most however. You’ll notice a mix of easy completions and game pass games, but I am also 75 hours into Persona 3 Reload. Some days I play one game, and other days, I will play a dozen different ones. Also, because of my bad vision, sometimes I play games differently. Like Warframe, where I main Wukong, who can create an AI controlled twin, with a sentinel robot. So if I can’t aim well enough, it doesn’t matter, my twin or robot will kill the enemy for me.


I did escape twice -once in the far future. Ha.

I’ll definitely go back later to get more endings.


Are we counting these deals from the 360 closing down sale?