XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

This is correct.

You mean if you buy dlc’s for a game in Game Pass? That would count. (not free updates though)

Completed Vampire Survivors DLCs:

Mt Moonspell 4/8

Tides of Foscari 4/14

Completed Halo Reach Defiant Map pack DLC 3/25

New total: - 7 pts


@Mort I see others posting games from other consoles. Do I need to do that? I don’t play on PC anymore, since my pc is so outdated now and only play on the Switch when traveling, which means I will probably never complete any of the half a dozen games I have.

It’s your backlog, you decide.

But there’s no restrictions on platforms. My own backlog covers Xbox, PS, Switch and PC. However 95% of my gaming is on Xbox.

Since I don’t see myself completing any games from PC or Switch for the foreseeable future, so I won’t bother adding those. If I get a new PC or travel more, then I will add them later.

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Completed ACA Neo Geo Aero Fighters 2 & 3 as well as Flaskoman today for +3, bringing my total to - 4 pts! I will be in positive values in no time!

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+1 - Hellblade 2

Total = 14


Incredible game! A rare 10/10 for me. I was a wreck after that one chapter…

(No points for me though, Game Pass.)


Yeah pretty much a net 0 for me since I got a -1 for it earlier. But it was worth it. Just fantastic.


Yeah, I would buy a physical version for the collection but nono we can’t have fun things.

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+1 Project Highrise: Architect’s Edition

I think this was maybe a game with gold game or something, I’ve been working on this one for a while now to get my last achievement for getting 5 gold scenarios.

Pretty fun game from a small dev, it’s been compared to a Sim Tower type successor. You have to build & run buildings in different scenarios, make sure you keep your tenants happy, make sure you give them what they need, and don’t go bankrupt. I quite enjoyed this, but there are a few quality-of-life things that could make it better. I’d love to see them make another one with improvements / options to make variations of rooms stand out more visually, and maybe let you have some default things that you can turn on to always add electric / water when you’re building a new floor - or maybe just say I want it to start / stop here for this run so it’s a little easier to install. The dev looks like they have another game coming to Xbox later this year for managing industries - I’m going to keep my eyes open for this.


+1 Adios

Apparently my past self decided to install this Games with Gold game for some reason so I decided to check it out. First impression wasn’t super positive, it’s not the prettiest, it also has weird physics and you don’t exist so far as your camera is concerned, and you can make some objects move through other objects. The story also wasn’t immediately that good, but it was a little odd and I decided to give it a try.

Pretty quick game, and I actually got interested in the story once I realized what it was up to. Some of the writing was a bit bad, if you run to the cellar at the end of the game you can break the game and have to quit out before it works again, animations and stuff can be terrible, but I did enjoy what it was trying to do. I found this review, and I’d never give it a 4/5 but the story was worth an hour or two for me. I’m glad I gave it a chance.

+0 Finally got my last achievement in Little Kitty Big City. Another game with some problems and obvious limitations, but mostly fun. The last quest (pose for beetle) was a bit annoying and I had to look up a couple of places for help before I knew what I was trying to find, and then the character wasn’t actually going where he was supposed to… Enjoyed this though.

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I see others posting their thoughts on their completions, which I didn’t do for my list of 35 completions this year. I shall rectify that now!

Most of those games were for GS/completion percentage, which means most were pretty bad. However, two stood out: Inscryption and Submerged.

Unless you spoil yourself, you won’t know how deep Inscryption goes at first play. It starts as a slightly horror, Rogue like deck builder. Pretty standard stuff, but some things are off, like the fact that you can’t start a new game from the main menu, you must click on continue, or that one of your starting cards talks to you! After a few “easy” runs, that add more rules to the game as you go, you realize that this deck builder is only the surface layer of the game. And if you complete act I, you realize that there is even more layers! I highly recommend this game to just about anyone. You have to be OK with the deck building aspects, as well as the slight horror vibes. If that’s you, I would say to play it and don’t look into it any further beforehand. I may not consider it the greatest game of all time, I do consider it’s ending the best ever in a game! Don’t spoil it for yourself, trust me. If I found a genie with a wish, I would wish for the ability to replay the game for the first time.

As for Submerged, it’s the first game in a line of relaxploration games set in a world flooded by water. There’s no VO, no text outside menus, and no enemies. Just your character, a boat, and a mission that revolves around exploring the flooded city. As you progress, you unlock storyboards that tell the story of the game through drawings. It is surprisingly relaxing to explore and discover the story of the characters, and this world. I would recommend for those looking for a relaxed, but engaging story driven game.


Well… that certainly was a week. A few changes to the leaderboard and a new participant in our friendly little competition as well. Plenty of nice completions this week too, keep up the good work everyone!

Current leaderboard:

  1. @Zip 18.5

  2. @SilentJay76 16

  3. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos 14

  4. @Searsy82 14

  5. @Knottian 10

  6. @vrinn 9

  7. @ACyberRazorCut 8

  8. .@ profjjj 4.5

  9. . @ Mort 4

  10. @MasterLeePhD 2.5

  11. @Rodya 2

  12. @APOPHIS1989 -4


Yes! That’s half the fun imho, it’s nice to read others thoughts about the games they complete and to write little mini-reviews for games one complete and discuss! Especially since we’re backlogging and there’s a super wide net of genres, newer and older games etc.

Inscryption has my attention now!


Yeah, I really do enjoy reading what people write about games - it’s nice to see some good feedback on games people enjoyed or some things they thought could have been better - especially since many of us will have at least some of those games in our own backlogs :slight_smile:


Yes, exactly! With so many games to choose from, this can often push a game further up or down my list for sure.


So part of the fun is letting others convince you to add to your backlog? Lol. I used to be a video game journalist during the pandemic, so when I say Inscyption is worth double it’s retail price, you can trust me.

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You might like my reviews then! Most of them don’t have a score, just what was good, what was bad, and who I recommend it for. I don’t know if I am allowed to post links to them here, but most of them are cross posted via my profile on Tru achievements, if you use that site.


Haha, no mostly for games I allready own. To know what to prioritize, or not :wink:

(But yes, some go to the wishlist :wink: )

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