XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

Thank you! Hopefully I don’t buy anything, I have enough at the moment to keep me occupied for like 6 months, but like I said in my original post there are a couple I am interested in.

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Yeah nice. I have a laptop and other consoles but I primarily play on series x now so i didn’t count the other games. I don’t really care if i don’t get round to them. Happy gaming!

Time flies! Another week, and another update. No movement but we do have a new participant in our friendly little competition: @Rodya ! (I’ll give you a point for that Sonic Mania game you just finished to get you started :wink: )

Current Leaderboard:

  1. @ShhIAmBatman 34.5

  2. @Zip 16

  3. @SilentJay76 15

  4. @ Jorge_Alexander_Acos 14

  5. @Searsy82 14

  6. @Knottian 10

  7. @vrinn 9

  8. @ACyberRazorCut 7

  9. @profjjj 4.5

  10. . @ Mort 4

  11. @MasterLeePhD 2.5

  12. @Rodya 1


+1 Man of Medan (PS4)

Claimed this one from PS+ a while back. I’ll probably play the rest of the anthology too, since most of them are currently on PS+ Extra. Looks like a solid series.


+1 Just finished Yakuza 5 Remastered. But I just bought 2 games on sale, I need something to play in between Yakuza/LaD games: Scarlet Nexus and Tales of Arise. So I guess my score is back down to 0.

Y5 is a great game, not my favourite Yakuza so far, but definitely still worth playing. I was happy to see Kiryu of course, but also Saejima and Akiyama returning as well. The size and the scope of the main story was pretty damn long, not to mention the side content and minigames. My favourite minigames were hunting and fishing. There are like 4 or 5 towns/cities to explore in this one. Each character was fun to play as, even Haruka and the new character Shinada. I’m glad I beat it and would still rate it 7.5/10


:-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1:

Look, what you did is against the spirit of the rules. You either participate correctly, meaning you either account for each game purchased and completed, or don’t bother participating. It is pretty simple really.

The fact that you seemingly have 24 hours a day to play videogames is already enough of a wet blanket on the whole thing without adding skirting the rules on top.

I’m not certain why you’re targeting me. Perhaps something about me either offends or threatens you. I don’t know you from anywhere, have never spoken to you; and have had zero impact on your life or gaming. As far as I know, you’re not the grand arbiter of what are the “spirit of the rules”, and are just looking to stir up trouble.

I scored over a quarter million Gamerscore in April, as part of a wholly separate challenge on a wholly separate website. So I could either:

A) spend the time to untangle what exactly I purchased vs what exactly I completed that was in my backlog, both certainly in the high double to low triple digits, severely unbalancing the competition for everybody else;

B) ‘freeze’ my place to not completely inflate (as the backlog completions outweigh the purchases) my number.

Plan B felt fair and equitable, as it was completely abnormal gaming for me and I didn’t want it to throw off the whole challenge for everyone else.

To your second point, Searsy82:

I don’t know why my availability to play games throws a wet blanket on top of anything. I have a very lucrative work-from-home career that allows me to game, and provide for my wife and children. If that bothers you, which clearly something about my gaming tendencies do - that’s really between you and you. You don’t need to snipe at me, a complete stranger, on a forum.

Best of luck to you in the competition going forward.

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+1 I beat Soul Hackers 2.

I liked this game a lot, even though I don’t think it’s a particularly great game. The side content is all very samey, and the story itself isn’t particularly interesting. The Axis/Soul Matrix in particular is very repetitive, but the dungeons in the main story are very good and the combat is excellent. I liked the addition of the sabbaths. If you want a Shin Megami Tensei game on Xbox you’d probably be better off getting a Persona or Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance when it releases in two weeks, but I still liked it. The ending was nice too. 7/10 I’m going to beat Sonic Colors Ultimate next. Also I tried Persona 3 Reload… it’s way better than Portable imo


+1 Botany Manor, have reached end game although I’m going to carry on and do the remaining few achievements as I love the vibe


-1 Just bought Hypercharge Unboxed as it looks cool and I wanted to support the developer lol :frowning:

I suspect I’ll soon pull the trigger on WW2 Rebuilder too, and I’ve already started Galacticare and Hellblade 2 from Game Pass which weren’t part of my backlog.

Also a week ago I bought the AC Valhalla season pass - but I’m not sure whether to include it or not as I’d already begun playing the DLC via the Ubi+ trial a few months ago.

I suspect I may end up being the leading negative scorer at least lol…


There’s a lot of content in that season pass… I’m working my way through Ragnarok currently, had already done the Paris and Druids ones. Ww2 rebuilder looked interesting, saw it in the indie selects they released for May.

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Thats a whole lot of words and masturbatory self-aggrandizing to say “I’m not going to follow the rules”.

Now now, boys and girls. It’s a personal challenge, not the Olympics.

Didn’t you both vote to “not follow the rules” with that 360 sale? Why so serious all of a sudden?

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I’ve had enough private discourse with some other users - he’s the community troll. I’m just going to block him and move along.

-.5 for Destiny 2: The Final Shape

NET: 34.

One day, I’m going to finish Destiny and get back to completing titles. But that is not today. I’m working on the original Far Cry Instincts Predator which has not aged all that well.

Well, this is certainly something.

First of all this is supposed to be a friendly competition, but a fair one. Some of us are taking it more seriously than others, and that’s fine. Most of us have serious backlogs and are trying to make it smaller and are using this challenge as a motivation. I can sympathize with being annoyed when people make their own rules without community input. The way @Knottian brought up the 360 store closing is how we do things usually f.e.

So far that and other things have been borderline, but I have to draw the line somewhere and that’s when members who have been a part of this competition for years are being accused of being a troll and blocks are flying. That behaviour and attitude has no place here.

I’m sorry but I’m goin to remove you, @ShhIAmBatman , from the competition.


I’d like to second this, and remind people that this is a friendly competition, albeit one with rules. Furthermore, I’d highly advise anyone against attacking individual members, especially since many in here are some of the oldest, thus provably-reliable, members.

Let’s be cool and remember that gaming is meant to be fun and to bring us together - the world needs at least one activity where we can still hold to that goal.

For the future, if there are any concerns about competitors reach out to myself or @Mort privately; as always, if there are concerns outside the competition, never forget the flag system or reaching out to myself or other mods :slight_smile:

Happy competing everyone.


Back to business and another completion…The Forgotten City. Interesting game and played through to a story ending which took less than 8 hours. Had seen enough so used a guide to check out a few other things/endings. With trying to get some of backlog cleared it does become a bit of a finish and move on and maybe even rushed out the door for these games but that’s better than having them sat on backlog lol



Absolutely adored the Forgotten City, and yep it can be tricky with those endings - some players could think they’ve finished it having only seen half the story / secrets.

It gets truly mad at times, but most of all I loved the core mechanic, optimising as you learn more and seeing such a great setting and characters…