XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

Haha, yeah… I did some of it but I didn’t like the direction the story was going so I shelved it for a future playthrough.

Looking forward to ticket farming then… hah

  • +1 - Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite (XOne). I’ve gotta be honest, I think this was the final game to cap off Capcom’s terrible decade because it’s easily the worst of the Marvel vs Capcom series. Terrible mechanics changes, some of the cheapest AI I’ve seen in a fighting game in years, and an abysmal art style (I blame a lot of the graphic/art issues on UE). Glad that with RE7 and everything since Capcom has been a much more consistent high-performer again.

Tales of Arise completed. Stuck with it but not my thing and played better JRPGs. Played in English and main character just didnt click. Lots of exposition and waffle. Maybe too old for it lol. Still one of the list.



Is it turn based or real time combat? Think I may have briefly played the demo and it’s on my backlog on the “very soon” list.

Was the story any good?

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As someone who completed the base game and expansion a few months ago, the combat is real time. I liked the story and characters even though I do think the story itself lasts too long and drags at the end because it feels like the game just doesn’t want to end. Enjoyed the story and characters more than the combat/gameplay which just didn’t do it for me. Overall, rated the game an 8.0/10.


Yeah not turn based which think I prefer and agree with the above. Theres a good story in there but style and pacing wasn’t to my taste. I dont think it explained the combat and skills well or I just forgot with starting and stopping it a lot. Probably a 6 to 7 for me. The early levels are drab but it does improve and looks great.


Another week has gone by and with it some nice completions! A little bit of movement this week with @Zip zipping into third place. Keep up the good work everyone!

Current leaderboard:

  1. @ShhIAmBatman 33.5

  2. @Searsy82 16

  3. @Zip 14.5

  4. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos 14

  5. @SilentJay76 12

  6. @MasterLeePhD 10.5

  7. @Knottian 9

  8. @vrinn 9

  9. @ACyberRazorCut 6

  10. #Mort 4

  11. @profjjj 3.5


+1 The Darkness (360)

Still had this on one of those round plasticky whatchamacallits. Decent enough game.


My mind was blown, at the time of release, that you could watch three entire movies in your apartment… genuinely thought the backdrop and overall experience for both games were great.

The game has a great style. But it’s maybe a bit too much “style over substance” and hasn’t aged all that gracefully. But still a solid 7/10 for me. Definitely enjoyed it more than the Darksiders games I played recently.

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I was making my way through the backlog slowly (while playing gamepass releases) but then i went ahead and bought Nier Automata and Monster Hunter World


Hey, look at it this way, at least that MHW is going to Capcom - a company that used their recent profit growth to actually give raises to their employees (it’s literally why I bought Dragon’s Dogma 2 at launch - I have to support that kind of company).

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This do be feeling nice. Maybe then I’ll buy Street Fighter. Lucky though I got the steelbook iceborne master edition for Monster Hunter for just 28FJD (~14USD). First physical game I’ve bought since buying Deus Ex: Mankind Divided off of ebay in 2018

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Jackie lol loved the voice.

Yeah, good voice acting in this. Mike Patton (Faith No More) was a fun surprise for me as well. :slight_smile:


-8 :smiling_face_with_tear:

Trying to build up my Steam library and seen that Humble Bundle has a Metroidvania Mania! bundle. Love me some Metroidvania games and couldn’t help myself.


You’ll catch up :wink:


+41 for various permanently removed games from my Steam account.

Just kidding. Obviously won’t count them here. :grin:

I never knew you could do this. But since you can… let the purge begin! I’m deleting pretty much anything without achievements (other than a few classics,) anything broken and anything I just don’t see myself ever playing.

I’m only up to K so far. So it’ll probably be close to 100 by the end of the week. And then I might grab the fine-toothed comb for a second sweep.


Haha, you can do that?

Well, sounds like a cathartic experience!

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Yup. Steam client → game page → Support.

Just takes a little time, since I have to delete everything from my Excel, TrueSteamAchievements and Exophase as well. :slight_smile:

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