XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

Yeah, there’s a lot to play. Harold Halibut and the Fallout 4 patch might interrupt my backlogging a bit this month… (I’m playing both Diablo IV, in co-op mostly, and F76 from the backlog atm). In May there’s Hellblade 2…

F76 is a whole different experience now, I played it a little bit back near launch but it was quite horrible so didn’t get anywhere. Damn TV-show made me pick it up again 5 years later and it’s pretty good so far! Met a NPC named Mort so that was an instant plus lol.

Diablo IV is quite good, playing it in co-op mostly which is not something I usually do on a first playthrough but it’s nice. A bit sporadic when we have time to play so the completion might take a while.


Not much progress for me since I started Persona 3 Reload. I’ve actually been streaming it on my Steam Deck using a 3rd party app called Green Light. Not sure why but it works flawlessly compared to the official site.


The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing +1

This was a lot of fun, really enjoyed it. I have the second one (maybe third also?) too so might play that soon. I could replay as another character type and I think it would play differently enough to be worth it. Had sections that were insanely hard for my character how I specced it out, the weapons I chose etc, and I thought the boss at the end was going to be that way but just got in close and used lightning power on my melee and it really took him down fast. Good music and amusing dialog too. Loved the ghost companion.


+1 Terminator Resistance - Compete Edition (with 100% achievements)

Total 15.5


I wasn’t sure how to count it. Technically the complete edition has all the DLC, which I also finished. But I wasn’t sure whether that counted since it is part of the singular package, but wasn’t originally for non-complete editions.

Hm yeah… It’s a single 1000 GS list. I would say it depends on how you count it when you buy it most of all. Did you buy it during this competition and took some negative point(s) or in the free window? If the former it’s easy, you get back whatever negative point(s) you got then, if it’s the latter I don’t really know…

I think counting the Annihilation Line expansion as a DLC makes sense. The other is just a mode right?

I would probably have taken a -1.5 if I were to purchase this game, and ergo a +1.5 for a completion.

Nah, I got it last year. When it released it was like 5 bux or whatever to upgrade the copy you already have.

Ill count it as 1.5. Infiltrator mode was like 40 minutes long. Annihilation Line was originally a separate DLC.

So 16 instead of 15.5

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Sounds good!

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  • +.5 - Completed all the GRA challenges (which is all the player content there was for New Vegas’ GRA DLC)

  • -2 - bought Unicorn Overlord and Dragon’s Dogma 2


Lego Indiana Jones 2 +1

Pretty fun game, some decent levels, but definitely shows its age like some of the other Lego games. Spent way too long getting the last couple of achievements on this (especially the one where I had to find the 1 piece I hadn’t purchased in the level builder). Also quick play handles character selection kinda odd and you end up with a small party of people running around with you, I’m glad they moved away from this.


Nice! I have this one in my backlog too… I enjoyed the first game, even though like you say these older ones sure do show their age at times. I have way too many LEGO games still to go through, guilty pleasure of mine hehe.


I’m honestly embarrassed that, even though I own almost all of the Lego games, I apparently hadn’t really finished most of them. Some I’d barely started and some are mostly done but not quite. I remember the dementors in one of the Lego Harry Potter games (I’m assuming years 1-4) freezing my computer when they started their animation because my gpu couldn’t handle it.

Also more related to this specific game, somewhere in our basement I’ve got one of the truck with blades on the front Lego sets from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

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Yeah, I have a few started but not 100% as well. I remember the Pirates of the Caribbean had odd numbered achievements and I still have an odd GS thanks to that game haha. Maybe I should go back some day and take care of that…

Lego is great, I’ll admit I have quite a few big sets, mainly Star Wars.

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Never mind finished… I’ve had exactly 10 Lego games in my backlog for years and finally played the first of them in December. :slightly_smiling_face:


Which one was your first? It’s bizarre cause I love lego and I mostly love these games so I don’t know why I drop them.

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They are almost always a bit too long for their own good I feel.


SW The Complete Saga.

Starting with the oldest one, I was surprised that it still held up quite nicely. I’d imagine going back from a newer title might be a bit jarring.

The “newest” one I have is LOTR. All from the 360 era. (Luckily I changed my buying habits at some point. )

Although I do have DC Super Heroes and the Harry Potter remasters from PS+ as well.


Same. The only one I ever finished was the Star Wars trilogy on 360. Have every one of these damn things for some reason (we know I have a problem - see pic of digital purchases on Xbox One/Series).

Also, ftr, I didn’t buy Brothers - it was a recovery gift - so that doesn’t count right? :pleading_face:


Yowch that’s a lot. I’m right around 600 not including physical, but still…

And I think I’ve got one achievement left on the first sw trilogy, the 100% one. Have a few of the one game mode to work through for that. Surprisingly was able to get the xbox live coop level achievement earlier this year.

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Yeah… that doesn’t include my physical either :frowning: (though to be fair, my physical purchases went down ~95% last gen). There are a lot of Xbox 360 physical, and digital, that aren’t BC and I have a stupid amount of games for my Nintendo and Sony consoles (and we pretend my Steam library doesn’t exist at this point lol).