XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

Another week gone by and here’s the current leaderboard:

  1. @ShhIAmBatman 22

  2. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos 14

  3. @Searsy82 13.5

  4. @Zip 10.5

  5. @Knottian 9

  6. @vrinn 9

  7. @MasterLeePhD 8.5

  8. @ACyberRazorCut 5

  9. @SilentJay76 5

  10. @profjjj 3.5

  11. #Mort 1

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Well, I’m going backwards. I’m 40 hours into FF7 Rebirth and 25 into Infinite Wealth, but I temporarily dropped both to lose myself in Balatro, which I bought about a week ago.


Balatro is crazy good, and it’s all I’ve been playing or thinking about since I bought it. With that said, I think I am reasonably close to calling it a completion. It’s the kind of game you can play forever, but I have already unlocked most of the cards/decks and I have had a ton of successful runs.


It’s nice when you find something like that and it just takes over for a little while.


The never-ending train continues!

+1 Dracula’s Legacy Remastered (This might be the worst Point and click game on Xbox)

+1.5 Bear With Me: The Lost Robots + Episode 1-3 DLC. (Cute noire point and click)

+1 Among the Sleep (Very emotional first person exploration. If you have a toddler, play this).

+1 Perfect Ninja Painter (I played Ninja miner a long time ago, these are fun)

+1 Perfect Ninja Painter 2 (Say hello to the old boss, same as the new boss?)

+1 Secret Agent: Cold War Espionage (Play this. It’s fantastic and campy.)

Net: 28.5


+1 Darksiders (360)

After 3 hours I wasn’t really enjoying it and my gut was telling me to call it quits.

20 hours later… I should listen to my gut next time!

It’s not a bad game, as such. But far too repetitive, frustrating and boring for 20+ hours. I don’t quite understand the high ratings.

“Luckily” I have the sequel in my backlog, too.


Haha, I have been looking at that in the backlog many times… I don’t think I will prioritize it :wink:


On the plus side, it does look remarkably good on the Series X.

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Finished Wolfenstein: The Old Blood +1

Needed something more action oriented after BG3 and this fit the bill perfectly. Shooting things in the face, blowing shit up and a cool story. I had a great time with it, the setting is excellent.

The only negative is that it triggered my motion sickness, just like TNO did, but I was at least prepared for it and could deal with it this time. It’s unfortunate that it lacks settings to adjust on console, like at all. If I could just get rid of that damn head bobbing and swaying it wouldn’t have been half as bad. I had to play shorter sessions, but it was worth it.


I feel ya. Had the same problem with High on Life recently. Adjusting the settings helped with that one, though.

I also find that you can “train your brain” (to a degree,) starting with short sessions until your senses adjust. But it varies by game.


Yeah, the more things to adjust the better. This didn’t even have a FOV slider…

I knew this was going to be bad since TNO was “one of those” games, so I came prepared. Made it easier than when you are surprised by it. Not playing tired, well lit room, hydrated, shorter sessions and lots and lots of ginger did the trick. It does indeed get better every session, as the brain adjusts.


The only game that has given me motion sickness is DOOM 2016 and I’ve no idea why!?! Love the game but feel terrible after 20 minutes of playing it.

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Both Doom titles (though Doom Eternal less so) and all of the Wolfenstein games gave me CRAZY motion sickness - something I don’t normally suffer from. High on Life was fine for me though.

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I haven’t played the new DOOM’s but those and the Wolfenstein games run on the same (or versions of the same) engine… Could be something with that?

Does the newer games, Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, have more settings to adjust?

I hope Indy is fine…

I wasn’t getting motion sickness - but when I tried one of the Wolfenstein games, I just hated the feel of the movement in it. I didn’t get very far as a result. I really do hope Indy is better feeling & has more settings.

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One Night Stand +1

Doing some smaller games whilst I decide on my next proper game. This was a short visual novel about, well the title kinda gives it away, a one night stand with a lot of different endings to pursue. Nothing to write home about perhaps but I like these small palate cleansers once in a while and this was decent.

Still not sure what I’m in the mood to tackle next…


I’m staring at a few titles I want to dive into, but this Trueachievements challenge has kept me handcuffed. I’ve made it to the top 1% now (28 out of an original 2800+), and we’re on day 60 (1 achievement in 60 different titles), so that eats up most of my gametime.

As far as projects go though, I’m looking forward to diving into Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, FF7R2, Rise of the Ronin WWE 2k24 as soon as I get eliminated. Who knows when that’ll be, hopefully not soon!


Well, it’s Monday so time for an update! Batman running ahead in front this week too, and a little bit of movement elsewhere.

Current leaderboard:

  1. @ShhIAmBatman 28.5

  2. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos 14

  3. @Searsy82 13.5

  4. @Zip 10.5

  5. @Knottian 9

  6. @vrinn 9

  7. @MasterLeePhD 8.5

  8. @SilentJay76 6

  9. @ACyberRazorCut 5

  10. #Mort 3

  11. @profjjj 2.5


Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet +1

Hm, decided to do one more small game. Another visual novel, with a lot of endings to pursue. This one was kinda meh though, it was cute I guess but I lost interest fast. After a few playthroughs I simply finished up the remaining achievements to get it over with. Unless you want some easy gamerscore I wouldn’t bother.


Double whammy

+1 Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (Steam)

+1 Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Director’s Cut (PS4)

Probably my favourite platformer ever (even if the boss levels are a bit frustrating) and definitely my favourite soundtrack.


Double Whammy of my own:

+1 Little Misfortune

+1 Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure.

+1 Aery: Path of Corruption

+1 Book of Unwritten Tales 2 → This was so, so, so good.

+1 Darkestville Casle

Net: 33.5

The list has grown quieter the last week, as I’m playing through the games that I bought in my big negative block, and completing things that were Title Updated but already standard completed yeeeears ago.

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