XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

I’m due for a giant negative bump as more Xbox sales go live today. So that number is only ever temporary


Can you blame him? Hes batman! Of course we are not match for him second place on the other hand…


+1 In sound mind (PC) pretty weird and cool horror game.


-1 Prince of Persia



Tempting with the discount but I told myself not this time.

What are our feelings on free Title Updates? I completed A Fold Apart four years ago or so, but they released 2 new bonus chapters in a TU. Do those count as backlogged DLC?

No, that’s something out of everyones control and there’s no choice involved either so that’s not something we count.

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+1 Gloom (pc)


Perfect, then I’ll leave those off my list. There are a ton coming in the next few days, I didn’t want to pollute the list if it was uncalled for


+1 American Fugitive (PC) a nice tribute to the first GTA games.

+1 Cryin suns (switch) a bug wiped out my save and I was close to the end sooooooo yeah, I’m done with the game.


+1 Frontlines: Fuel of War (360)

Wasn’t expecting much. But it’s a pretty decent shooter.


Update time! Top 3 is a close fight at the moment, with the Batman still hanging on to first place. Keep up the good progress everyone!

Current leaderboard:

  1. @ShhIAmBatman 15

  2. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos 14

  3. @Searsy82 13.5

  4. @Zip 9.5

  5. @vrinn 9

  6. @MasterLeePhD 8.5

  7. @Knottian 8

  8. @SilentJay76 6

  9. @ACyberRazorCut 5

  10. @profjjj 3.5

  11. #Mort 0


New week, new post!

+1 Desert Child (strange isometric racer. I hated it, than didn’t mind it, then hated it).

+1 Donut County (Very interesting take on the Katamari Damacy esque genre. Loved it)

+1 Project SNAQE (it’s snake with wonky controls and a whole lotta fun)

+1 Speed Truck Racing (I wish I had never seen this game, or its clone).

+1 Castle Walker (achievement farming garbage)

+1 Sissa’s Path (cute little directional puzzle game with cats. My wife approves)

+1 Ballotron Oceans

Net: +22


-1 Atom Eve (Epic freebie)

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Well, the time has finally come for me to get a point. Rolled credits on Baldur’s Gate 3 tonight!

What a game.

I really enjoyed my time with it, and it’s one of those games where I just sat staring at the credits feeling almost empty when it was over. It was a long journey filled with great characters, stories and adventures that captured me all the way to the end. RPG’s has always been my most beloved genre, and BG3 has sailed up as one of my favourites of all time, I allready see a couple more playthroughs sometime down the line for me for sure.

The cast of characters was excellent, with interesting quests and motivations. Very good voice acting too, with some great performances. I really got that feeling of comeraderie and growing together as a a band of allies, very well done.

The main story was good, but the side quests and companion quests had some of the absolute (pun intended) best content. A lot of choices and ways to shape the stories and characters, some of the best fights in the game too.

Fights… yeah there was a lot of combat. Some bigger fights I spent hours in trying to survive or get specific outcomes, it was glorious! I love the tactical combat with so, so many options in how to tackle encounters. Everything from your characters abilities, positioning, environments and a bit of luck could make a huge difference. It’s a bit overwhelming in the beginning but it soon becomes natural and pretty damn awesome. It requires a lot of patience of course, but it’s very rewarding to deconstruct a challenging fight into pieces and make it fall like you want it to.

Exploration was also great with an excellent classic RPG feel to it, there’s always that urge to eliminate the fog-of-war. Lots of lore bits to be found in books, notes and environmental storytelling.

I played this over a couple of months so there was quite a few patches in that time. I didn’t have many issues, got stuck in a conversation a couple of times and some random audio issues but nothing big. No lost saves, no quests breaking or such things I’ve seen others talk about. For such a massive game I was surprised at how smooth an experience it was.

This gets a rare 10/10 from me. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Well, I guess it’s time to start digging in the backlog… it has looked at me for these past few months with a pleading eye. Here we go!


+1 Lego Batman 2

Finally managed to 100% this, ran into a couple of issues with stuff not spawning or disappearing a couple of seconds after spawning and that made it a bit frustrating to get some of the levels completed, also flying controls were weird, but overall a decent game with a mix of open world with lots of puzzles (sometimes very repetitive) and some decently lengthy levels. Honestly while it’s set in Gotham, and batman themed, I played as Superman as much as I could cause he was more fun and had better abilities for traversal etc.

Tried to get into far cry 5 after 3 and 4 and just mostly hated how it played compared to them. So probably not doing that one.


Congratulations! This was my GoTY and will likely be GoTG. As an avid DnD/Pathfinder player and GM, I was just thrilled at how many neat tricks they hid in the game mechanics that usually only work at a table. I’m glad you had such a good time, and can finally start hitting that backlog!


Yeah it was an awesome experience. I will return to it in the future for sure and the game is definitely hitting my top-20 list.


+1 Monster Hunter Rise

Keep up the amazing work you beautiful backloggers!


Awesome! Snuck it in right before I update :wink: