XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

Agree with this. The only way to claim a +1 when beating one of these free games would be if you claimed a -1 when claiming it.

Edit: Agree with the accounting above. Looks good.

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Finished Crisis Core (on Steam) +1.

+3.5 Total

This was my “palate cleanser” game in between massive RPGs. (You know you have a problem when a 30-hour RPG is a palate cleanser).

I’m not sure I had fair expectations for this game, but I ended up being underwhelmed by it. I played this to get some additional backstory for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, so mission accomplished there, but my time would have been better spent watching a YouTube recap.

The combat was fine, but there was WAY too much of it. It’s one of these JRPGs where you can’t take 2 steps without a random combat encounter starting. If you are in the mood for that then that type of play can be fun, but that wasn’t what I was looking for here.

The game looks great, but most of it “felt” really old - which to be fair it is. So I can’t really knock it for that. I enjoyed Remake a lot and am really looking forward to Rebirth, but this just wasn’t in that league. That’s probably an unfair comparison on my part though.

In other news I also completed Persona 3 Reload after 120 hours or so… (no credit since I completed it on Game Pass). I probably added 50 hours to my playthrough because I was determined to fill in the entire Persona codex (or whatever it’s called). I also spent WAY too much time trying to optimally build my Personas and pass on optimal traits/skills. I had never done that before in a Persona game, but for some reason I felt like that was an experience I needed. I doubt I will spend that much time doing it again on P6 though.

Anyway, P3R was great. Highly recommended if you like that type of game.

I continue to chip away at Infinite Wealth. I can’t decide if I want to complete it before starting Rebirth though. I’m tempted to try to squeeze in another shorter game this week to add to my score.


I’m going to need some palate cleansers myself once I’m done with BG3 before I jump into another big one hehe. 30h is starting to sound short!

I’ll probably blow through some much smaller ones though, I need to get some progress on the backlog after all.


Yeah I’m here for the backlog and discussion. Probably discover more games to add to it in long run from what others play or be motivated to play those already there. Don’t care if finish last I’m having a great time just playing games :love_you_gesture: :+1:


+1 for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)

I was a bit apprehensive about them replacing Nate with the two women for this one. But good job - I think it’s on par with the previous games. And Naughty Dog sure knows how to do pretty scenery.

They also know how to stretch playtime. Although it wasn’t nearly as bad as the endless climbing sections in Uncharted 4.

15 minutes of unskippable credits, however, just show a complete lack of respect for my time. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I’m currently in that “15 hour max” period after BG3’s SIXTY DAY runtime for me. I miss it, I hope expansions are on the way - but the Elder Brain knows I needed a break.

On that front though, this TA challenge delivered me another “it’s in my backlog but I’ll never actually play it” completion, and a walking Sim that will have taken me close to 8 years from start to finish:

It’s Kooky: +1

Dear Esther: +1

Net Score: +10


Proper Monday update this time! With a new participant joining our little corner of backloggers: @SilentJay76 ! We also have a new leader with the Dark Knight swooping in to claim the top spot.

Current leaderboard:

  1. @ShhIAmBatman 10

  2. @Searsy82 9.5

  3. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos 9

  4. @MasterLeePhD 8.5

  5. @Zip 7.5

  6. @Knottian 7

  7. @ACyberRazorCut 5

  8. @vrinn 5

  9. @SilentJay76 4

  10. @profjjj 3.5

  11. #Mort 0


Update time:

  • Robocop vs The Terminator (Sega Genesis)
  • The Immortal (Sega Genesis)
  • Jurassic Park (Sega Genesis - Jurassic Park Collection on Xbox)
  • Jurassic Park 2 (Gameboy - Jurassic Park Collection on Xbox)
  • Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition (Sega Genesis - Jurassic Park Collection on Xbox)
  • Batman Return of the Joker (NES)


Other games that I have finished but don’t count (have beaten each in the past or do not own physical cart):

  • Chip’n’Dale Rescue Rangers (NES)
  • Super Mario Bros (NES)
  • Super Mario Bros 2 (NES)
  • Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)

Total = 15.5

I just started Lords of the Fallen, so my retro journey will probably be on hiatus for a while.



  • Seum Speedrunners
  • Kick Bastards
  • Spongebob Squarepants Cosmic Shake
  • Kentucky Route Zero


the spongebob game being good was a surprise


I’ll catch up any day now!

Running to the car


I still predict that I will end up negative by years end.

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Well, I’ve seen your shopping sprees so I believe you :wink:

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Time to add three completions to the list. First up, NeonLore to the complete pile. I’m not even sure what this game was meant to be but an achievement farm - but in an achievement competition, farms are key! Followed by Mushroom Savior (not counting it’s title updates as seperate DLCs because absolutely not) - and the latest batch of DLC for Vampire Survivors.

Neon Lore +1

Mushroom Savior +1

Vampire Survivors + 0.5

Net Total: +12.5


Nice to see @SilentJay76 joining the challenge! Dam @ShhIAmBatman, @Searsy82 and @vrinn you guys are :fire: :fire: :fire: How do you find time to play so many games? :sweat_smile:

Yeah I think we did the same last year with Gold games, PS plus…etc.

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Most retro games are not terribly long. Those Jurassic Park games took maybe 30-45 minutes each. The JP collection has rewinding and save states. Same with Retro games on NSO. I only count ones that I own a physical copy of, but I dont play all of them on native hardware. I have a steam deck that is setup with emudeck/emulation station. So I can play them while I watch progress bars during work.

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I envy you for having a steam deck hahaha!

My career allows me to work from home, and my wife/toddler go to sleep by 9:30pm local time. So game during the work day, then be Mr. Husband and Daddy, then right back to gaming.

And since my work covers a time-zone that is a few hours behind mine, I can sleep a little later than most (and duck out of work when most people do in my time-zone). It’s a very, very nice arrangement.


-1 Dark Forces Remastered


2 must-have purchases, but I have a bunch of more completions lined up for this week. Still might pick up WWE 2K24 and/or the Brothers: Two Sons remake, so I might bleed some more points in the interim.

-1 Dark Forces Remastered

-1 Final Fantasy VII: R2

Net Score: 10.5



+1 Akane on PC.