XboxERA's 2021 Backlog Challenge. Are you Game Enough?

That’s why I always use a guide. Not to guide me through unless absolutely necessary, but I like seeing the chapter names and how many more I have.

Nice. Overall, how did you like Days Gone?

Heavy Rain is said to be the best of those three Quantic Dream games but I only completed Detroit. Great game but obviously, very very slow paced.

I use a guide for games I want to wrap-up quickly. lmao.

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Honestly, it was kind of a middle of the road game, but it really grew on me towards the end. I liked it more than I thought I would after my pretty negative first impressions on it.

Days Gone ended up being my 2019 game of the year but for the first 10 hours or so, it didn’t feel that way. It is very slow early on and takes a while to get going but once it did, it all clicked for me. Glad that you enjoyed it for the most part.

The first ten hours or so might be some of most uncomfortable, nasty I’ve ever seen in a game.

Everybody is an asshole, Deacon never shuts up, and everything is bleak. It’s so middling, everything is pretty bad.

Days Gone has a horrible first impression.

I can agree with that but the game is post apocalyptic so it should be bleak. Rest I agree with. My biggest issue was the combat early on. It started to get/feel better once I was able to get Boozer’s shotgun.

-1 for me, just made my first game purchase of the year with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I had $5 of Microsoft credit that was about to expire, and the game was on sale for $4.49, so like, why not.

That’s how they get ya!

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@PhantomFox 3

@DeoGame 1

@ProgStopper: 1

@Mort 0

I told myself I would stop buying older games that would end up being stuck in backlog hell in 2021. This is the only exception! Definitely won’t break that again! Definitely…

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No! Not again! I… will… not… break! Must resist…

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How… many… lights… do you see?!

There are four lights!

I enter second place with tonight’s beating of Hitman II (Via Hitman III DLC). Since I owned HItman II but never played the story missions, completing those missions via Hitman III counts, as Hitman III is all three games.

Therefore, onto Hitman III story missions, thus completing the fantastic and amazing Hitman trilogy.

I may not dive into Hitman III just yet, as I feel going Hitman - Hitman II then straight into Hitman III might be TOO much Hitman, but at the same time, so IDK.

Either way +1 for me!

@PhantomFox 3

@ProgStopper: 2

@DeoGame 1

@Mort 0

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+1 for me. Beat Sunset Overdrive. Great fun.

@PhantomFox 3

@ProgStopper: 2

@DeoGame 2

@Mort 0


sweating key and peele GIF

Yeah, we’re all sitting pretty now, let’s wait until Summer when stuff like RE8 and others start coming out and we start paying for them.