XboxEra’s 2023 Backlog Challenge |OT| Third Time's the Charm... Right?

It’s hard to resist. I filled up nicely during the x-mas break so I’m doing good so far, but the temptations are everywhere lol.

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Luckily the only things I play on my PS5 and Switch are exclusives, so its a bit easier to keep those under control. Basically if it is available on Xbox that is where I will buy it.

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They may have gotten accidentally tangled up in a IP-restriction when we were dealing with a rather persistent racist that kept creating new account after new account. Unfortunately the site’s tools for searching who might be impacted by IP-restrictions are lacking as no active users showed up. Those restrictions were recently relaxed. Appologies to them for the accidental impact.

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+1 way of the samurai 3

+1 Pandoras tower (wii) really loved this JRPG, they dont make games like this anymore :c

Come join me in our path to redemption my friend.


+1 Super Kiwi 64

I bought this last year after the Giant bomb duders recommended it. Super simple take on a platformer from the N64 days that I started and finished whilst having a coffee.

The last game I completed on steam was Half Life 2 when it released :spongemock:


Bloody hell… I went and bought Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

It’s all Jesse’s fault for making too good reviews and streams and has nothing to do with my lack of impulse control whatsoever.



The recent release of RE4 has motivated me to finally play a resident evil game. I have owned so many of these over the years (going back to PS2 and Dreamcast), but the only one I have ever actually completed was Resident Evil 5 on Xbox 360. (I actually owned the red RE5 custom console - one of about 4 operating 360s in my house at the peak of the gen.)

Anyway, I just finished Resident Evil 7. + 1

I also own the DLC for this, but haven’t played it and I’m not sure if I will.

Also, I have a “free” copy of Star Wars Jedi Survivor that I got when I bought parts for my new desktop a couple of months ago. I plan on playing it sometime in the next month or two (probably after Redfall). I’ll take the - 1 on it now so I have more motivation to finish it soon.

So, +1 RE7, -1 SW Jedi Survivor. No net change for me.


Finished The Last of Us Part 1.

What a game! I enjoyed it so much and I’m still amazed I managed to avoid spoilers for 10 years. I love post-apoc settings and this game did it very well. Great characters and story, a great classic journey both literally and for the character development. The gameplay was fun, good stealth and decent AI in combat. The atmosphere in some areas was so damn good, creepy as hell. Soo many places where I sneaked slowly ahead almot holding my breath. Immersive af.

The DualSense helped with the immersion too, such a difference it makes! The first time my flashlight went out… hell no haha. But feeling the rain, things moving in the environment, resistance in triggers when doing things… It all added a lot to the immersive feeling. Audio was also superb.

The little stories you could find in the environment via notes etc. was very well done and made exploration rewarding too. The survival elements with crafting and lack of resources of course also encouraged that exploration.

I also played Left Behind which was incredibly well done in the way they tied the backstory into the main game. Ellie is a great character, really great. Even though it’s a DLC i suppose it’s considered part of this game or is that another 0.5 points?

I’m tempted to give this game a perfect score tbh, however some of the encounters and puzzles was a bit repetitive and got too easy/samey to figure out after a while. Would have benefited from some more variety in the main game on that front. So, almost perfect.

That’s a +1 for me, @PhantomFox .


Tacoma +1


Aight, so @PhantomFox seems to have gone M.I.A so I went through and sorted out the points since the last update.

This is the current leaderboard:

  1. @MasterLeePhD +11
  2. @profjjj +8.5
  3. @Mort +4
  4. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos +2.5
  5. @PhantomFox -1
  6. @Searsy82 -12.5

I went with minus points for Jorges games from this year (you miscalculated to your disadvantage so there’s one bonus point for you there) in that discussion we had.

Searsy was at +7.5 points before he went crazy with 20 purchased games… But I’m sure you’ll catch up soon enough, to me certainly lol.

I can keep the scores for the time being until Phantomfox returns, if that’s ok with ya’ll?


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Haha, it’s ok. You can do it!

Thanks for the update!

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Wow. Nine days since the last post. We are collectively falling behind on our backlogs! I’ll try to get us going again.

I finished The Quarry a while back (on PS5) and forgot to report it here. + 1

I bought it at the end of last year during our “free” period and of course it was almost immediately announced to be coming to PS+. You’re welcome…

Anyway, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I didn’t like the characters as much as Until Dawn. Two in particular pretty much drove me crazy to the point I was hoping they would die. Unfortunately both survived. Ha. I managed to get through the playthrough only losing one of the counselors.

My one big gripe with the game (other than the terrible monster design and unbelievably bad water graphics) was with the “movie mode” dlc. I had assumed the movie mode would allow you to fast forward, look at the clips you want, etc. But instead it just shows the entire game - including abbreviated sections of exploration, opening loot boxes, etc. I watched for about 20 minutes then abandoned it after I couldn’t figure out how to speed it up or skip scenes. I really wanted a way to see how all the scenes that I missed played out, but apparently there is no way to do that without watching the entire game. I guess YouTube is always an option.

Despite my minor gripes I had a lot of fun with this. If you enjoy this type of game it’s definitely worth a look.

I’m currently deep into my backlog - about halfway through a playthrough of Trails in the Sky SC. Really enjoying it so far. Planning to jump straight into the third one when I finish this.


Enjoy and savor that playthrough. I don’t think I can ever put into words how much that game means to me lol.

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I keep getting distracted by Game Pass and stuff… But I’m getting back on track here soon™.

Might try The Quarry some day, looks kinda fun.


My reign of terror continues:

Since my last list of shame I have bought…

  • Final Fantasy 16 (PS5)
  • Street Fighter 6 Ultimate Edition (Xbox)
  • Diablo IV Ultimate Edition (Xbox)
  • Warhammer Bolt Gun (Xbox)
  • Jedi Survivor (Xbox)
  • Mortal Kombat 1 Premium Edition (Xbox)

I think I finished one or two things, but honestly, Im not sure it matters at this point, lol.

I am almost done with Tears of the Kingdom, so there is that.

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Haha, well it’s all fun though. Some pretty nice games there my friend, that’s something at least. :wink:

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Going to update the score even though there hasn’t been much movement.

This is the current leaderboard:

  1. @MasterLeePhD +11
  2. @profjjj +9.5
  3. @Mort +4
  4. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos +2.5
  5. @PhantomFox -1
  6. @Searsy82 -18.5