I hope I’m not too late but how high are the chances that in the next 12 month Microsoft will force changes in 343i leadership team.
I think it’ll only be considered after the game launches, they literally can’t afford shafting core members of the staff again before the game actually ships.
I have no hope in 343i leadership team. I’m still shocked that no one saw how bad Halo infinite looks. They are literally the developer of this game.
Huh? It’s been one of, if not the biggest Xbox talking point for the last 2 months. Not that it looked that bad anyway.
No one at 343i or xbox. I should have stated it better. Sorry
It wasn’t 343i, it was the marketing team. As per Brad Sams, the issue was the actual game devs and their contracted out partners were falling behind on development but the marketing teams were going full steam ahead and the devs could not keep up. Hence, marketing forces them to have a demo ready and it’s mediocre.
Hopefully the two teams are now much more in sync.
woops, wrong thread.
Nice to see the return of the rumor mill (nice music too)! I had a feeling Spider-Man would ce to PC. Marvel would probably push for it too.
Good episode as always guys!
Would be awesome if perhaps patrons community questions was prioritized if you have to cut down on the amount. Not selfish at all, promise!
We did read out Patron questions first
@Shpeshal_Nick saying he wants to hear a mouse fart in his game room when he plays on the PS5 brought out a good laugh from me . I do agree with how many vents and how big the console is there can be no excuses for that console being loud.
I haven’t even listened to this week’s podcast in its entirety, yet, but I think it’s safe to say another one is in order as soon as possible.
We’ll sort something out ASAP.
Yeah I know, I meant in the future if you have to cut down on the amount!
We need an emergency podcast because of the Bethesda news.
Plans are in motion.
Who can even parse this news at this point? It feel like something so Earth shattering, so surprising and genuinely shocking that nobody has words to put to it yet. Like…the implications for the games, for the industry, for the competition, for the tech, the IP’s, the teams, having Fallout at home with inXile and Bethesda and Obsidian together…can’t wrap my head around this and I bet the crew won’t either. It’ll be sik and Figments just jaw agape and shaking while Ed brags about his Starfield insider info. lol
Just watched the extra podcast! Great stuff, thanks for bringing it with such short notice! Looking forward to Tom Warren.
The podcast with Tom Warren should be really interesting. Perhaps we can learn some more new stuff about Series X (he is already using it).
Really like the work that you do with the podcasts guys! Keep it up!