XboxEra Podcast |OT| - Better than the other one you listen to

So weekly podcasts until launch? :wink:


I’m very curious now…

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About what?

The first episode of our Halo focused podcast is out!

It’s not the usual crew, though if we keep this up we’ll for sure get them on at some point. Please let us know how we did, what you liked, what you didn’t, what you’d like to see more of in the future. We’re all pretty new to this, so any input is appreciated!


G’Day Everyone,

Podcast weekend which means get your Community Questions (that we’ll more than likely cover during the episode :leo:) in and we’ll try and get to them



MSFS on Series: when?

That’s all I want to know… :wink:

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Part Question to ask for your opinion.

With Sony’s first party releases over the next two years being sequels to established IP, are they pushing more to continuing established success rather than allowing the creative freedom to experiment more. eg- Days Gone or Ghost of Tsushima

So if I can, a second question? What news or rumour did you sit on longest before spilling the beans?

All the best wishers to Sik on the renovations.

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What are your thoughts on demos/betas?

Would there be any merit in having say a flight simulator demo with limited planes, options and maybe limited area available on release of the new consoles if it was possible. It could really show what the system can do graphically and really push the power of the console and whet people’s appetite for the full game.

I assume now halo is delayed they will have the beta next year which I think will be cool.

I’m probably a bit old school in my thinking but I feel like demo’s could be a way of building excitement for big titles like Forza, Hell blade etc in the lead up to release and maybe make the wait a bit more bearable.

love the show and community keep up the good work fellas.

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Hello guys! Do you think that the coalition and 343 can split into 2 teams and work on different IP’s? If so when, if not why?

  1. in my opinion 3 studios that have a lot of potential with a big budget and time. Are Hello Games, Game Labs, IO interactive, Asobo and DontNod. Xbox should definitely look into an acquisition with these.


I have questions please

With MS going all in on Gamepass, could we see other platforms being integrated like TVs?

Gamepass included in TV offerings like for example buying a Samsung and get Gamepass integrated in the TV offered with a XCoud dongle or stick and a controller to play directly on TV? Once the XSX blades are ready maybe?

It is an offer I’m really deeply interested in.

MS have a big opportunity here and can really expand his reach beyond

Second question, can we expect big japanese games coming to Gamepass? Like Elden Ring or Tales Of Arise?

Do you have any ideas about MS view on studios acquisitions? Which potential ones?

Thanks for you time!

Not exactly a question, but now that Phil directly engaged with us in the other thread, it’d definitely be awesome to have him on in an episode anytime leading up to the launch! I figure I’m not really super early or alone on this suggestion and you might already have plans but yeah, just wanted to get that out there :slight_smile:


Absolutely! It would be a pleasure to have him indeed

one more question.

Now that game pass is becoming the forefront of Xbox’s model moving forward, do you think their first party games shall start being designed with Game pass in mind, or will they continue to be whatever games they shall be, but just put on game pass at the end of the day without being molded by it to a significant degree? This was actually one of the big questions I had in mind for Phil if y’all ever get him on. It’s not meant to suggest any concern or anything, just wanted to hear whether game pass was just a distribution strategy or something more core to the games made moving forward.


Hello xbox era,

First of all thank you for this amazing forum and I hope every listener will check it out :wink:

Now to my question:

We all know XGS is busy at preparing some amazing games. I would like to hear your opinion on when do you expect a substantial update on a game currently in development and which one?

Forza Motorsports would be my guess what we see next or maybe a update on Hellblade 2, Everwild? Ninja Theory is doing some moe cap so there has to be something in the near future.

And then there is Halo Infinite which could potentially have a comeback with some amazing graphics. The thing is I don’t agree that xbox needs so much more games. The only thing they need to do is show the graphical power on upcoming games.

Gamers take quality over quantity so show exactly that!

love you and the community:)

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Hi all. First off congratulations on the new Halo podcast being launched. I had listened to it and I think it has gotten off to a good start.

My question is in regards to Jeff Grubb’s tweet about hearing that Microsoft is spending or about to spend a lot of money that is not an aquistion. Do you think it is for a major game launching onto Game Pass, or a number of games from a publisher coming to Game Pass, or something different entirely?

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Here’s my question. You can only change 1 thing about Microsofts console launch strategy so far, what would you choose and why?

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What will it take for MS to flip the narrative wrt cross gen 1P games? Fable, Forza, Everwild, FlightSim, Avowed are all next gen only afaik. Does MS deserve some credit for that in light of Sony’s about face?

Just imagine MS having an event at the end of the month demonstrating the capabilities of the Xbox Series consoles with enhanced BC (Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4, DOOM Eternal), cross gen (Cyberpunk 2077, Gears Tactics, Yakuza Like a Dragon) and next gen only games (Hellblade 2, Avowed).

I know things are way too difficult and complicated nowadays with the corona and all plus MS seems to employ a more low-fi stance all around but that would’ve been so hilarious after the PS5 cross-gen fiasco.

CDPR said they are holding off showing XSX version of Cyberpunk til close to launch, so betting there is something akin to another showcase for Xbox planned. Likely in October.