XboxEra Podcast |OT| - Better than the other one you listen to

Do we think BattleBit Remastered will ever come to Xbox? :thinking:

The community question by @FozzieBoy about a shooter for his son got me thinking about this game.

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As I mentioned in the Podcast chat, when some ( and @Shpeshal_Nick ) called for MS to lockdown the OS to prevent incidents from third parties software like CrowdStrike, that its not that simple especially when regulators are involved. Its easy to make broad statements, but without understanding the extent of the matter youā€™re bound to be off the mark.

Microsoft claims European Commission hinders security

The decision, intended to encourage competition, inadvertently allowed third-party vendors to disrupt systems.

The agreement specifies that Microsoft must share its APIs for Windows Client and Server operating systems with third-party security software developers, but last weekā€™s incident highlighted the risks of such openness.

On the flip side, Apple has been restricting developers from kernel-level access to its OSs since 2020. Google is also not bound by similar regulations.


I didnā€™t even talk about them locking down the OS?

Because I donā€™t know anything about that stuff

You were dancing near that when talking about console certification process versus no certification process on windows, related to community question #8 -

Does this mean @Shpeshal_Nick will be missing from the podcast for the foreseeable future?! :oncoming_police_car: :rotating_light: :scream:

@Sikamikanico @Doncabesa @SoulBlazerz


Not sure if this is where questions for podcast go but do you think when the new console/handheld come out we get a new u.i and updates to things we have been asking for like the DVR and achievments

Community questions are in the secret patron loungeā€¦ :wink:

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Or you can submit a Super Chat during the podcast.

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Is there still going to be a pre-recorded podcast premiere this weekend?

I did ask the guys if they were doing the impressions video they mentioned, didnā€™t sound like they had at that time. I got to meet Jon, Jesse, Nick and Predrag as well as Jons missus and mates. All wonderful people and Iā€™m extremely glad I was here this year at Gamescom and had the chance to meet them. Gamescom is crazy, so many people itā€™s like a wild river of people flowing down the walkways every which way.

I donā€™t know how i forgot him but also got to meet Aarsal, he is just as nice of a bloke as you could imagine him to be.


@Sikamikanico @Shpeshal_Nick I just got this advert :rofl:


Do it mate, they are great.

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We will definitely grab some next time we are in Tesco :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Is everyone home now?

We are, last week was too crazy for Jon and the booth crew to record anything so I focused on the shorts and travel vlog instead. Weā€™ll have headlines Tomorrow and Thursday. I have a preview on Wednesday, multiple reviews during the week from the team, and then a big podcast on Saturday with all of us back. Iā€™d like to get @SoulBlazerz in for it if possible.

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Haha thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I finally got into Australia tonight. It feels great being home.


Yep, saw them there lol

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As he was there @ Gamescom as well, do you think we could get K Asante in this weekendā€™s podcast as well?