XboxEra Podcast |OT| - Better than the other one you listen to

I have to say, I really hate what you’ve done with the place

We can no longer see what each others have posted on the podcast page. And worse yet, we can’t even view or edit our own post that we submitted on that stupid form. Not really the best counter to the whole “you hate your own Patrons” jokes


I kinda agree, seeing what people wrote was part of the fun. You wouldn’t have ended up with Morticia and Mrs Good Old Collingwood etc the other week with the form.


Well said, Zip! And I couldn’t even say what I said in a reply to that post. Nor could I say it on that form, bercause it only allows a certain amount of characters. Which, I understand because some of our fellow posters were rather long winded, but it also means so long to things like those hilarious maps that Skedaddle posted


Well it’s a patron perk, the main thing is if it’ll be actual questions and not a bunch of full on pages it’s manageable :valle:


I will admit, some of the replies had been ridiculous in length, but as a stroke victim, I require the ability to edit my replies before asshole’s like Nick can read them and give me shit for my mistakes…at least the one’s I can actually catch in time. :wink:

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I must admit I’m not a fan of the new method either, the collab between the patrons was all part of the fun and that’s now gone.

I could also be asking a very similar question to one of the other patrons.

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I’d like to do the mailbag, which could be a forum thread each time

The old forum thread method entirely isolated out Patrons who dont do forums and are on Discord or YouTube instead, so that doesn’t work at all.

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The good news is my brother is the one in charge of this. He’s the most thoughtful and open to critiquing of the three

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Don’t stress, I haven’t left the Patron, I am a CEO and there isn’t a title of badge available yet as the wonderful Predrag is working his magic when he has the time

I would also say that every time the Forum is excluded such as giveaways, I am and any other not wanting to use Discord are missing out.

The forum really does seem like it’s a second thought most of the time and a burden the guy’s wish they could be done with. The first mention of joining the community on the Podcast, for example, is always discord and the forum sometimes isn’t mentioned.


I’m with the CEO!

Forums > the rest


I think you guys have unrealistic expectations from a team this size with the amount of work they already have to do.

For them the best tool is the one that is easiest and the most available. They can’t cater to every possible place people feel like posting individually.

It’s just like watching someone adding weights beyond their capability at a gym. If you can’t do it with a small team, then don’t do it.

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Don’t agree with you at all, but I’m going to choose not to argue about it.

That’s fine, I’m not looking to argue. They can make the calls they want and shut the forum down for all I care. I am happy with YouTube alone anyway.

I don’t want to argue with you either…but you are making me wish this forum had a “thumbs down” button. Hey Jess, can you add that, or do we need to fill out a bleedin form first??? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have made a thread for the questions, what if I was to open that up and those on the forums can continue their forum posts and the form is there for those NOT on the forums?


Yeah, I don’t have any magical solutions to any of this, just wanted to point out why I think there’s some changes being tried.

The perfect solution would require a lot of work since it doesn’t currently exist. Here’s the needs I think exist:

  1. Tie in Patreon Supportors
  2. Tie in YouTube Supportors
  3. Ability to organize the Patron questions based on general groupings or categories
  4. Ability to enforce reasonable guidelines on questions
  5. Ability to conduct Give-Aways with verified identification when supplying the winnings

The discord has had a lot more constant traffic and has bots built into it for giveaways which makes it easier. Otherwise it’s all manual for me to run them on here. During the extra life stream this year I was going to look for a website that can run them for us (for free) to try and open it up to as many as possible. Everything costs money though so it’ll probably be a mix of some games on the forums and more games on the discord for giveaways.

As far as the questions go I’m happy with giving both options so that people who don’t use the forum can ask things and potentially doing a mailbag show with @Sikamikanico for ones we can’t get to during the podcast itself.