XboxEra Multiplayer/Social/Looking For Group Thread

Ayee any Halo scrubs in here? MCC is a dream with 115 FOV on series x probably play more often now. Would like to get some people for a fun group!

Hey all,

GT: Randomlampy (Same on PSN & Steam)

Im In Germany so UTC+1

I don’t play any PvP but am normally all for Co-Op (and had some fun in SoT). Destiny 2 in particular currently.

I once again ask for your support to add me so I can get my Ambassador quests

GT: axelchen

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Hi everyone! Please add me, my gamertag is: lunanto.

I may some of you from this thread as well. Thanks!


Hey everyone, my gamertag is Vonroot7223! I play a great deal of stuff, so its rarher hard to say whta ill be playing on. But i know that I always have a need for friends!

GT: MaidenLoko

I play a bunch of different stuff, indy and big games. Native language is portuguese-br. Not always talkative, but friendly. I dont play competitively, most coop sections are for just for fun and for achievement completion.

Xbox GT: ToppCS

Steam: Topp

Based in the UK, looking to play Halo, SoT, Rocket league (around Champ), any sports game, orany general coop game. I am around Thursdays or some weekends.

I am mainly a PC player so any shooters ideally id like to use keyboard and mouse

Solidevolution on Xbox

Solid Evolution on PlayStation

I would love to play with people when Redfall comes out. I wouldn’t mind helping people advance their story