Story Pacing Setpieces are all shallow in comparison to part one. I love New Order but was massively disappointed with part two. Even the gunplay was worse and the bosses lame in comparison.
If you would ask me this is the biggest disappointment I ever witnessed. Machine Games has too prove themselves again for me.
I bought The new Colossus day one and I regret it till this day.
And it’s sad because I love story fps. But they are soo rare these days.
2:Double Fine
3:Compulsion Games
(Underground hero: Ninja Theory if they make a new Kung Fu Chaos, I want to throw the princess back at the Ninjas! She’s a brat! .)
3~4 (3 without SEGA, as I need mah Arcade fix man! 4 if they do get something similar! I don’t need more Ultra realism in my life :P)
3: Right now? About a 3. In the next 2 years, I’m expecting to rate it 4. Will reach 5 when/if they add some “Cinematic adventure” games and some JRPGS.
Which ANNOUNCED Xbox First Party Game are you most looking forward to?
Age of Empires 4
Name your top 5 Xbox Games Studios based on who you think will make the best games this generation. Do not make this list based on past performance. Format starting at 1 and counting to 5, with 1 being your number 1 choice and 5 being your number 5 choice.
Best games for me, or best games overall? That could be different. Overall best games:
Playground Games
Bethesda Games Studios
id Software
The Coalition
**3. On a scale of 1-5, how do you feel about the state of Xbox Games Studios right now?4
Super difficult but I’d have to go with Fable, it’s the only game where I still don’t know how it’ll turn out, especially for a team’s first venture into RPGs on top of it being one of Xbox’s most treasured IPs. I kind of have an idea how the next Forza is gonna be like, the next TES or DOOM or Wolfenstein or Halo or Age of Empires, how Avowed is gonna be like, so on, but Fable especially is such a risky yet promising venture, I’d love to see what PG does there. Sure we know that it’s a bright, humorous RPG, but there’s so much within those terms to explore and realize, which is what excites me. Personally hope it’s as fucking far away from being a Witcher clone, I’d hate that.
If there was a second one that had the same element of unexpectedness, it’d be Initiative’s game, but the way Phil talks about Compulsion’s upcoming game makes me think that shall be a gem as well.
Locking on Fable for now.
Man, this shit is even more difficult, especially with 23 (and growing) studios.
Guess I will go with
1) Playground
2) Obsidian
3) Initiative
4) Ninja Theory
5) Rare
Tbh I feel Xbox has a far superior first party lineup from a variety and potential standpoint moving into next gen, compared to the five studios that come to mind when you think of Sony (SSM, ND, Insomniac, Guerrilla, SP) and literally all of them make the same types of games, albeit extremely well. Like, I’m looking forward to 343’s game, Playground’s games, InXile’s games, Obsidian’s games, Rare’s games, Ninja Theory’s games, Double Fine’s games, The Initiative’s games and that’s even before Zenimax lol which shall add Id, Arkane, BGS and Tango and so on.
So, my rating of XGS in 2020 is 3 due to lack of first party output yet, explainable due to late investment and the best shit this year pretty much only coming from XGP like Ori and Flight Sim. But from mid 2021 onwards if Halo is a success, and we start seeing fruits of the investment in form of more solid game trailers, smaller AA titles on the side and eventual releases of all these games, will make it 4.
5 would be at least 3/4ths of these games becoming extremely successful.