XboxEra Community Hangout |OT9| Waiting for Developer_E3

I’m sure it’ll have a bunch of multiplatform games either way

80% of what is shown at state of plays are third party games that are also coming to Xbox, chill out.


There is zero chance of that happening now, if Xbox did not future proof itself and did not buy Bethesda/ABK than yeah i can see Sony going for the final kill this time with their aggressive Timed/Xbox Exclusion deals. No chance in hell that happens now, Xbox got the full backing of MS. No matter how many Timed/Xbox Exclusion deals Sony does? won’t make no difference. Phil and Company probably saw that and future proof themself.

Even with the full backing, Microsoft is just not aggressive enough to really win against Sony. Xbox still is unable to get big exclusive third party games without acquisitions.

It takes time, first need to close the console sales gap to basically neck and neck like during the X360 days first.

I believe Xbox strategy now is to own as much content as possible, they will still do timed strategic deals but it not as long or nowhere as big as Sony.

Different strategy, i like Xbox game plan more.

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We would have to know all their plans to make statements like that.

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Honestly dude I don’t even know why you care since you’ve said multiple times that you rarely play video games


:eyes: :smile:

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It’s not like those are given to Sony for free. Sony is paying for those exclusive deals. MS -could- easily do that too, but they aren’t interested in that. Game pass is their strategy.


I mean, I might not play games but I still play list wars :man_shrugging: Just because I don’t play games much, it does not mean I don’t want Xbox to surpass Playstation.

It seems like the website does not notify about the new replies in the threads unless I update the page :thinking:

I dunno if they could do it easily, the big problem with these exclusive deals is that the console with the largest market share has a natural advantage. Take Final Fantasy for example, the last mainline title to launch on Xbox the platform represented 19% of sales at launch whereas Playstation represented 81% of sales. It’s much MUCH easier for Sony to pay Square to cut out 19% of their market than it is for Microsoft to pay them to cut out 81%. Microsoft COULD still afford to of course, they are a trillion dollar company after all - it’s just not worth it to do so.
But yeah, you’re also right in saying that this just simply isn’t their strategy. Game pass and all of these acquisitions is meant to replace the need to draw people in with third party exclusives the way Sony does.

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It also makes it funny looking at all those japanese companies that bet so much on Switch and Playstation and now suffer from that.

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MS not only have to cover all the lost sales on PS but the cost for GP too because they aren’t funding a game and not brining it to GP also so that’s not gonna be cheap and in many cases not worth it

I’d rather have acquisitons over random moneyhats anyway tbh




You don’t know List Wars? The biggest F2P game available on all platforms, played by millions everyday?!

Toxic userbase though :face_with_head_bandage:


It’s funny how moneyhat or third party exclusive announcement for PS tend to be bragging rights while Xbox announcement more reflects to classic return like Banjo or second life like KI2. Basically one is bragging rights and the other is childhood returns.

Same happened to me today. Guess what it is probably the final bounty :slight_smile: nothing fixed it. No restart or reinstall… really nothing :confused:

Bit late, completely off-topic too(we kinda need a general chat)…

Normally I don’t do new year’s resolutions, but I’ve decided that this year it’s a good idea to live more healthy. This will mean less Burger King, lol, but especially more exercise too. Bought me a mountainbike on a discount, so that I have good reason to go out even more than I’m already doing. The dog will love it to run next to the bike and it will be great for me. Also…gym!

What are yours?