XboxEra Community Hangout |OT9| Waiting for Developer_E3


We will see, but would be an incredible amount of hypocrisy from Sony. Just like usual :joy:

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That source is a terrible person who is almost never right. Was outed for sexual harassment, not paying employees, and more. Also a massive fanboy, and all around unpleasant person.


It all goes to a flip of a coin.

Rather than a coin flip it is more like 20/80 for Xbox port with Xbox being 20%

So Xbox version is more of an accident rather than a real probability even :joy:

Are we really taking insights from random Lumberjacks now? I might go ask my local McDonald’s cashier what PlayStation are doing too!


The guy claims he got the acquisitions of Firesprite and Bungie right. And also the announcements of Horizon VR and two State of Play announcements.

No idea if that’s a fact though. Guess we’ll see next week. No other insiders have said anything though.

If you keep saying something, odds are eventually it might actually be right. Just like a broken clock is right twice a day.


When will people learn…

Hey guys :eyes::eyes::eyes: guess what :shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face: Microsoft is gonna announce something next week I hear :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Microsoft isn’t done :shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face:

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they arnt done but they cant do anything right now until this ABK deak is done. nothing till at least march of next year. hell i would say we dont know about another aquisition from xbox until e3 meanwhile sony can gobble up whoever they want

Big doubt

Would be good timing for MS/ABK though :philwins:

Well Sony has acquired Bungie while ABK was in process and CMA did not even look at it so… They also bought a bunch of studios.

Hypocrisy is part and parcel of Sony. They literally joined the industry like this.

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Wanted to check out the tweet to block the account and realized I already did lol. No need to give these fanboys any attention.


I don’t think the CMA looked at anything other than Sony saying “nuh uh” and going with it

Phase 2 should hopefully be more sensible, especially if Sony announce an acquisition during the phase 2 process

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It was funny when Arkane back then said (were told to say by Sony) that Deahtloop was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD and then a while later PC specs were announced and the game didn’t even require an SSD. Sony’s marketing tactics are so fucking gross.

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100% part of paid marketing

That tweet sponsor is…

:joy: :rofl:


The fact that IGN wrote this is exactly why I stopped reading things from IGN. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to believe this nonsense?