XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

Xbox leaks new games, Playstation leaks remasters.

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What exactly is stopping the release, like what is the content they view isnā€™t appropriate?

I mean thatā€™s the mystery right there. Yeah thereā€™s gore in the game (which this release has toned down as itā€™s based on the PS version. Only the Xbox 360 version ever had ā€œmaximum goreā€), yeah thereā€™s anime girl fanservice (not an extreme amount, no more than in Danganronpa. Itā€™s not -that- kind of game). So people are questioning: Why canā€™t this game release but games like Danganronpa and even Persona can? And why is the game okay for Switch and retailers like Walmart and Gamestop but not Steam which actually sells unrated ā€œAdultā€ titles? Thereā€™s just no good answer other than Valve is being ridiculous.

The gameā€™s been out since 2009 (but this is the first English release) or so on every platform including Xbox and people whoā€™ve played it already have said thereā€™s nothing in this game that breaks Valveā€™s rules if Persona is allowed on Steam.

Thereā€™s actually been some sort of ā€œwarpathā€ against VNs from Valve lately, but this is the first time a ā€œhigh profileā€ console release from a decently big publisher has been targeted. People have started guessing thereā€™s actually an employee at Valve who hates VNs or anime, however weird that theory sounds.

I donā€™t care about Valve personally, but what about Xbox here? We donā€™t have these games yet, right? After AI Iā€™m definitely a fan of visual novels, although AI is probably more than that I would say, but hell, bring it all to Xbox please.

Aside the free PR and goodwill that Microsoft is accumulating (due to Sonyā€™s mistakes) they also have another three cards they can play any time to gain additional goodwill points

  • Game Pass Friends & Family launch
  • ability to play the games you own via Cloud
  • drop Gold
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The forums were down :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hahahaā€¦ Rand is there trolling hardā€¦


Yeah I would say AI is more like an ā€œadventure gameā€. Lots of interactivity and freely moving and stuff.

This series (Science;Adventure) is the more usual VN style. There is no gameplay, all graphics are ā€œflatā€/2D portraits, only reading text (with voice acting of course) and then choosing a choice sometimes (in Chaos;Head, that would be what kind of ā€œdelusionā€ the protagonist is going to sufferā€¦)

If MS is not done with Spike Chunsoft yet then Iā€™d like to see this series be the next in the list, especially since the next game in the series, Steins;Gate, is the best VN I ever read. A shame these actually are available on Xbox but only in Japanese (essentially the entire Sci;Adv series is), so technically ā€œweā€ donā€™t have these games, but JP Xbox fans do. Also kinda dumb because Switch and PS versions of these games have been localized but the Xbox versions never were.

Very strange indeed

I had heard steam have had a thing against similar VNā€™s for a while now


True and very disappointed. smh!

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Now thats true as many games are xbox one supported. But realistically MS are moving away from Xbox one. I donā€™t think any future bethesda games even have Native Xbox one support and nor should they.

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Deathloop was a good game 7/10. I donā€™t understand the 10/10s for this game but still good. Took me 17 hours. I didnā€™t like the music and aiming was still but it all comes together at the end and it was a fun adventure. I donā€™t need a sequel to this game and kind of hope the team who made this does something else but thatā€™s me. I was gonna play grounded but Iā€™m gonna try hardspace ship dealer first


Played through xcloud for the first time today through VPN (still not supported in my region), connected to Germany from Asia and it still worked so well, didnā€™t feel much latency at all, I was expecting a lot since European servers usually put me at like 150ms ping. Got like 2-3 mini spikes in like 3 hours of gameplay of fh5 and deathloop.

No downloads, fast loading and I can switch tabs and continue browsing at any time, Iā€™m sold.

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Thatā€™s pretty crazy. But donā€™t you void warranty that way?

Who is this

Isnā€™t Fandom basically all the Wikia pages for games, movies, shows etc?

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