XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

i will play it so he is obviously wrong

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But will they (majority of gamers) play for more than 30 - 60 minutes?


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So Sifu is coming to switch before xbox?



I guess I dont have faith in these retro style original games, where the gameplay mechanics may not have been brought up to todays standards. Nothing in particular about this game, just the entire Retro Nostalgia not being enough to keep players engaged.

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Was hoping for announcement for Xbox shortly after like we saw for Fatal Frame and a few others but I guess not.

I believe Octopath 2 problem is partially Square Enix and partially Sony problem.

As soon as Sony started to see the notion that they are losing Japan they have become extremely aggressive with all that minor stuff and started to send more consoles to Japan.

I don’t believe that Microsoft would not want Octopath 2 on their platform, considering that they got Octopath 1 there. So either it was one of those cases where Sony paid not to release the game on Xbox or Square Enix asked too much money from Microsoft.

Microsoft is clearly aware about all these problems - there will be blood eventually 100%.

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There’s an RGG summit tomorrow. If they’d announce it anywhere I would assume it would be there. Not expecting Game Pass but would be a great get.


eh, Banjo Kazooie or Perfect Dark are from the same time frame and developer and hold up well enough.

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Nintendo Direct despite being 40m, had a lot of content and had good pacing. Game after game.

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To the people constantly bitching and moaning about Xbox delaying games. What would you have them do? Honest question here. Should they ship a broken mess so then you have something new to complain about? Again honest question here. I mean last I remember the prevailing knock against xbox was releasing “undercooked” games, so why get mad if they delay games to be in a better state than they would be if they were rushed? If you really think the delays are result of poor planning, please tell me how you would have “planned” for a global pandemic popping off?


…… feels like I’ve heard this before…… back in 2021…… and 2022……


I think people are just frustrated with this year being light. I think if they had a couple more major day 1 gamepass deals it would quiet down the noise

And 2021 turned out to be pretty strong. Yes, 2022 is a wash for AAA* first party, but there also has been solid GP drops this year, especially in the coming months.


Just a jest,

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If MS buys Square the internet will go berserk.

The salt will last us a lifetime.

I can understand the frustration, but most major games this year have been delayed to 2023. So, even if there were Day 1 GP announcements, you would still see people complaining that there is nothing in 2022.


The funny thing is that Square Enix output would fit quite nicely to Xbox :joy: They produce tons of games and fill JRPG hole quite easily.

As long as nothing gets delayed, 2023 will definitely be the best Xbox year since the 360 days.

Redfall, Starfield, Minecraft: Legends and FM alone can carry the year but I’m sure there’s another surprise waiting for us at the end of the year.


It just remains to be seen if we indeed get Starfield and Redfall in the first half. I don’t even need Redfall so bad in the first half, Starfield will give me my second life to live for a long time to come if their previous games are anything to go by. I just wish it wasn’t so uncertain, but that’s just the way it is.