XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

Understandable but I’m in pain.


Shame. Would be neat.

Maybe as DLC in the future?

They probably had to scrap it in order to make the release date.

Labour Day in Canada and Labor Day in the United States :canada: :us: The battle of the U :laughing:


Yeah man, need it

C’mon man. You can’t have an open world Hogwarts simulator without fucking Quiditch

This week Disney Marvel game stream and also Ubi with new AC. Sounds like a interesting week.

Lucas film Games. Probably Jedi Fallen Order 2 and not Indiana Jones, but who knows.


20th Century Games? Not heard of that studio before. Interesting.


Indy is probably still early in development to show something new, can’t wait to see more from Survivor though! :partying_face:

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Oooh, of course. Here I still thought it was Fallen Order 2.

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Cornball reddit post Cornball tweet

I want Modern Warfare 3 and World at War (remaster or remake)

Well I tried to tell everyone it was a bad name, but as usual xboxera didn’t listen to my correct take.

I thought Modern Warfare 2 also got remastered? The third game has supposedly been remastered too they’re just holding off on releasing it, I guess waiting for a rainy day. Either way, I’d say Call of Duty 2 or Black Ops would be fun. I mentioned elsewhere - if Microsoft wanted to maintain the yearly release schedule while moving the mainline games to a bi-annual release structure they could start making use of campaign remasters on the off years.

I would liek a call of duty 2 remaster

Looking forward to both showcases. Expecting to see Jedi Survivor and Amy Hennig’s SkyDance game which is rumored to be one of several things. I’m hoping it’s X-Men. I don’t see Indiana Jones being there unless it’s a cinematic teaser trailer. Could perhaps see a glimpse of Respawn’s rumored Star Wars FPS game. There’s so much stuff that could be shown. Can’t wait!!

As for Ubisoft, it’s mostly going to be setup around Assassin’s Creed Mirage. I think a decent amount of gameplay gets shown for it and we also get that rumored crossover between Origins/Valhalla with perhaps new content for Origins similar to that of Odyssey late last year with the free Crossover Stories DLC. The Division 2 future content (im hoping for a new big expansion in 2023 instead of just seasons), The Division Heartland (free to play) and The Division Resurgence (mobile) are confirmed to be there. The heavily rumored Assassin’s Creed Remake could also be there with a slim chance at a teaser trailer for AC Infinity which is still a few years away.

There could also be a new Ghost Recon game which could be a sequel of sorts to Wildlands which I would fucking love and im personally hoping that despite disliking CGI trailers that Ubisoft shows a CGI teaser for Immortals Fenyx Rising 2 or whatever they end up calling it so I know it’s real and exists.

Was hoping to see gameplay for Avatar but that seems unlikely at this point and there’s still the rumored Far Cry Vaas spin off game which I do believe is real that could be shown.

And of course, Ubisoft+ getting announced for both Xbox and PlayStation platforms is a good bet.

Side note - CDPR has their Night City Wire at 11am EST today. Will mostly center around their upcoming 1.6 update and Edgerunners show on Netflix. I’m hoping for at least a teaser trailer for their expansion next year.

Name is stupid but it fits with the story and theme of the game plus it’s freaking Star Wars. Will sell great and Respawn in my opinion will surpass what they did with Fallen Order. Can see this being an early March 2023 release as I think EA stays a few weeks away from REmake4.


I’m going to be on the Xbox Factor podcast with MrboomstickXL himself today in about 3 hours