XboxEra Community Hangout |OT7| Define "AAAA"

Xbox and ID@Xbox won’t publish them, but I thought that if the devs want to self publish there shouldn’t be problem, at least that seems to be how that works, as games with nudity have been accepted before. Or could that be more like, the games focus can’t be sex? And if it is it just won’t be accepted similar to the rules on twitch?

activate the punch card then order the game in the MS Store (or redeem a digital code from somewhere). if you already ordered before activating, cancel the pre order and re-order. if that doesn’t work, contact support and they’ll fix it for you

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thank you i already activated it i just wasn’t sure would it still count if i pre order it and also would it still work with the deluxe edition of the game?

Is there a way to access the punch card without access to my Xbox?

This is just my personal opinion, but elevating shit content makes your own content shit. Why would anyone care what some random guy thinks? And more importantly, why would anyone care what some guy thinks about what some random guy thinks?

Are you guys really that starved for entertainment? To each their own I guess. :smile:

I don’t know, the first hour or two of Elden Ring are pretty rough - even as an experienced player.

You get dumped in a world and the games first lesson is “this boss is going to kick your ass” to tutorialise that not everything can be fought right away. There’s no indication as to how to actually level up, as someone experienced with the franchise that made me feel like I’d missed something and that any direction not towards being able to level up is the wrong one, but there’s no clear indication as to where that is. Then if you try to head in the signposted story direction the game slaps you away again, with little alternative given and once you start to explore you run the risk of either getting rocked by a dragon or being teleported into the middle of a tough ass dungeon and being left to figure out your way home.
I love the game, but I don’t blame anyone who simply didn’t get through the first couple hours and it is the games fault. I haven’t seen the review being referenced here but if they had such a negative experience from the first couple hours that they stopped playing - that feels like a fair position to criticise the game from.


Yeah, I mean I love the game as well and having a blast with it, but I agree it can be annoyingly stupid a times. Just got throw in a chaotic fight with night cavalry and in the heat of the battle I hit a merchant. Well, had to kill the merchant (not a big deal, but i didn’t want to kill any npc in this playthrough). Although I have to admit they made some important QoL improvements on Elden Rings, like puting a place of grace almost every time near the boss fight and spirit summons, together with coop this makes the boss fights much more acessible.

I had friends messaging me on how to play the game, because they had no idea what to do in the beginning. I love the sense of freedom and desolation of from soft games, but i feel like it would be good for ppl new to the genera a little bit more direction on how level up, get the horse, etc…and the rune/souls grinding, I found it fun, but still grinding and usually gets a free pass.

It’s not that deep for me, sometimes I just like to watch his videos. The takes of the people he covers sometimes are just something else and I often just find it hilarious. Maybe a guilty pleasure of mine perhaps, haha. He covers PS fanboys sometimes too when they totally spazz out because MS acquired another studio or publisher, lmao.

I get you. But the difference is, this guy didn’t even give it a chance. Calls the game stupid, bad and what not. But he was the one attacking a NPC and then you gotta face the consequences. He only had to restart the game, which is a brief tutorial or just move on and explore that world.

It’s one thing to dislike a game and just move on from there, but it’s another to totally just shit on it when it’s his own doing.


In all fairness, I watch a lot of stuff that others might consider garbage or a complete waste of time. So, I’m not judging, I’m just being curmudgeonly. :smile:


Just got an email asking to join the Turn 10 insider group. So I’m in now. Hopefully that means they are getting close to more Forza Motorsport news!


I started playing with the fan translation program, and I wanna gush about how friggin cool this thing is!

Basically, how it works is you use the PS Streaming app to stream the PS4 video to your PC. Then you start the program so that the translated text is now overlaying the game (By the way, this is a legit fan translation. NOT a machine translation). Okay, here’s the cool part: The program responds to your controller, so that when you advance the text in the game by pressing X (I am actually using an Xbox controller, so A), it advances it in the program too! Outside of cutscenes, you can click the Left Stick in so that it locks the text, meaning A presses during gameplay won’t advance the program’s text. You can also use LT and RT to rewind or advance the program’s text, without advancing the actual game’s, in case it gets a little desynced. It sounds very clunky, but it actually “just works!” It’s very close to playing an official localized game!

This game probably won’t be released in the West until 2024 (thanks to NISA’s slow asses)! But thanks to the crazy and dedicated as hell Falcom fanbase they got it translated and in our hands today!

By the way… holy crap my PS4 Pro is SCREAMING playing this game. I suppose the poor thing hasn’t been used in a very long time… and now I’m making it play a game and stream in 1080p to my PC. Good thing I’m wearing headphones…


Just watched the animated movie Son of Batman and man, it’s a bit of a shame that the Damian Wayne game by Rocksteady never came to fruition. That could have been really cool!

Not that Suicide Squad can’t be great, but I wouldn’t mind if Rocksteady someday goes back to Batman characters, and you know…a singleplayer game, their strength.

It should

I just registered as well. :call_me_hand:t5:


Legit! Good to know!

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I would love a Lakers themed controller(even though we are garbage this year, oof) but my design would come in last place in the contest because I have no artistic talent.


not really tbh because I believe Xbox got marketing for this game. I remember watching blue jays games last season and the xbox version was advertised

Persona 5 on Game Pass tomorrow