For anyone who doesn’t actively view the Soul Hackers thread, thanks @Deus for this
I’m glad podcasts this time around aren’t saying wild shit like studio acquisitions happening at the showcase just so they milk the topic for podcast content.
Oh wow. I know money talks and all of that but…it feels unnecessary
Agreed. Days Gone 2 was my most anticipated sequel for this generation which has now been replaced by Tsushima 2.
I enjoyed Joker. It’s not perfect and Todd Phillips is a jerk but the acting was top notch. I’m willing to give the sequel a chance but I’m a bit worried it’ll be even more full of itself than the first one.
It’s only maybe true. The email is apparently legit, the sub even quickly cracked what game it was for.
The time slot for the period listed also perfectly aligns with their typical E3 directs.
And lastly a big eShop sale was just announced and they often follow these up with Direct announcements.
Ooooooooooohhh they DO act!
Hey guys, Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask still finding my feet here, But how long does it take for parteon to activate here linked my account but still getting the adds and no perks. Thanks in advance
Although sadly I don’t know how to help you. Welcome to the xbox era !! it is always nice to see new people over here. Hope you enjoy being part of this great community
I was getting worried for a second that higher ups involved in this action were somewhat untouchable. So happy to be wrong because we really need accountability in the workplace
Absolutely, this coupled with MS statements about supporting unions gives me hope of they changing Activision. Lets hope for the best.
Welcome to the site.
It runs every 4 hours, so it depends how close you are to the next cycle.
As am I
Thank you for this information. While i understand the need for ads they are ruthless here haha.
Nintendo if you dont have the following i wont care for your direct
Some metroid prime news. 4 or trilogy Oracles of ages seasons remake Wind waker hd port