We don’t prohibit anything here as far as I recall. Mods just don’t like to bring drama from the forums but quoting and some other stuff I believe is allowed.
Such a shame.
The game world of 2 remains a underrated one. I will never forget how I kept walking around in that game and kept seeing new behaviours by NPCs, it was truly awesome.
Watch Dogs 2014 is still the best of the trilogy in my opinion.
I really loved it. It had that moody edgy vibe and its stealth was so good and you felt like a vigilante killing bad guys stealthily and messing up with them with hacking their stuff. The silenced pistol was so good too. I think WD2 is a better game overall but WD1 is, like, more special in ways.
Watch dogs 2 has a crazy beautiful world as well, highly detailed take on San Francisco that’s really fun to explore.
Absolutely. Such a shame Ubi never One X’ed it, or even better, a XSX patch. It’s horrible to look at in terms of image quality because of the low ass resolution of base One.
I played it on PC in ultrawide
By the way, did we have someone report already that WDL very likely is the last WD game? I read it last weekend, Ubi about to call it quits on it.
It’s what I’ve been hearing
I have them all in the backlog, with all the DLC…
Your backlog is a bottomless pit
How funnily coincidental, I just started playing GotG today lol
Councidence, or Sorcery
A very, very good game. Enjoy!
Brilliant game, but feel sad we likely won’t be getting a sequel
Liking it fine so far, but man the colors and visuals on display can be too much on my eyes, some areas legit have so much visual clutter I almost don’t know what I’m looking at or doing. I mean went in expecting that from the footage I’ve seen before but it can be worse while playing. Don’t know if I’m the only one who experienced this. I hope the rest of the areas in the game aren’t like this.
But I’m liking the cast and attitude so far, it’s so much better than the MCU attitude.
Depends on Embracer I guess. I hope they don’t if it means getting a new Deus Ex though
Hm, not something I thought about whilst playing. I loved it, haha.