XboxEra Community Hangout |OT7| Define "AAAA"

This is happening everywhere


…oh shit, sorry. I thought this was related to…oh, nevermind

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Yeah this is a feature of the job market in general and I can only imagine tech is even more hot right now due to demand for software developers being through the roof.


Curious if the folks actually considered the stock grants or options they get when working for Microsoft. I know some folks who moved from other companies because of base salary increase but then lost out more because of stocks.

Though this fits in with “The Great Resignation” where the pandemic has caused people to reevaluate what they want or need from work.

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I don’t know where this person is from, but apparently Xbox is just… machine translating on their country’s Xbox twitter? That is just unacceptable to me.


Advertising/marketing/PR was under Microsoft until the reorganization with Phil as CEO of Gaming. With him in the lead now these are the areas I think we’ll see the most improvement.


You would think some changes will be made, otherwise why would you transfer responsibility.

An annoying journalist I don’t feel like giving attention (because that’s what they want) to is desperately trying to paint Xbox Series as “failing” right now.

So I ask this: Is this why the Sony fanbase has gotten the way they are? Because the media seems to encourage their behavior?


Based on who he’s following, I think it might be Japan. But that would be completely bonkers. There’s also a couple of Korean accounts there, as well as Xbox Brazil. So maybe a Brazilian who can read Korean and Japanese… :man_shrugging:

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I think they’re South American, because of this


Today, gaming market analyst firm DFC Intelligence released an updated forecast on the video game console market that shows Microsoft’s Xbox platform gaining ground over the next four years on Sony’s PlayStation and the Nintendo ecosystem

DFC Intelligence surveys show PS5 to be still the preferred console, but that might change as Microsoft’s Xbox library grows thanks to the many acquired game studios.

Crap, my super slow cellphone made me post this in other thread. Anyways, what do you think about this? I think that you don’t expect everything to remain the same when your competitor throws almost 100 billions to the industry.


I looked up the first ‘journalist’ that came to mind, and I guessed correctly lol. That dude is very predictable.

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I would expect a bigger shift in market share. The trajectories of Sony and Microsoft are rather clear for the next years. Nintendo is a bit more unpredictable, will they continue their success with the Switch 2 or will their next product be a Switch U? The next 2 years will be interesting.

Good to see reporting shit heads on Twitter that are abusing game devs works :slight_smile:


Considering the shortage, streaming, subscriptions, rise of PC and mobile - the market won’t be the same.

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Well, If it works…Though Forza Horizon was a special case, I was not able to wait and bought it. But if there is an early access bundle for Starfiedl…I will buy it :joy:

I do wonder if it is a way forward - Day 1 Game Pass, but Day -1 pre-order bundle.

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The FOMO is real with day zero deals happen haha I can get suckered into it, though only if it’s an additional thing along with other stuff as I wouldn’t pay let’s say $10 to get the game earlier and that’s it. They are smart because if you bundle stuff like this with other things like DLC those packs start to become very appealing to me at least.


Just learned that I bought the base Xbox version of wonderlands. This shit is so stupid. There’s no way to upgrade.

Any advice? If I refunded and bought the next gen edition would be save carry?

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the save should carry over

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