XboxEra Community Hangout |OT6| New Year, Same Three Topics

It’s an amazing game indeed! I remember fighting the first boss and thinking “WTF? how are they gonna top this later?” and Kamiya was like “Hold my beer…” so good! :partying_face:

Kamiya : " lets work together again phil "

Phil : " Sure "

Kamiya : " you see that was a bait. You were not supposed to speak English . Now you are an insect ."


Phil hit him back with his FLUENT Japanese!


Kamiya :


Hey I’ve won most barfights I’ve been in.

At least I think I did.

I usually wake up in the hospital with no memory but the other guy going to jail.

So I see that as a win.

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Honestly, unless it’s gameplay that also showcases the combat, I would prefer to just wait until their 20-30 minute blowout in June/July.

Meh. I’m just waiting for GTA VI which im expecting to be September 2024.

No thanks. Would prefer to see Microsoft work with development studios that don’t have a thousand other projects going at the same time only to see the Xbox project be cancelled. I hope Microsoft stays far away from Platinum Games.

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I will never forget @Shpeshal_Nick 's story about Kamiya. He asked for a Forza Horizon 2 code on Twitter and Nick offered it for free. In the end he got banned. :doge:


I think PG won’t ever support Xbox again most likely, I mean, after Scalebound we got only the late port of Nier Automata (warranted by SE, which got paid by MS) and then that’s it, they even made up a cheap excuse concerning engine issues for TW101 on Xbox (but not on Switch, lol).


Wow wasn’t expecting RT, I’ll probably pick it up.

That pretty much says it all. I would be legitimately surprised to see Microsoft work with Platinum Games again.

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ahh the JD method.

‘you see turk, I broke 1 rib, but the other dude broke 3 fingers. 3 is more than 1 so…’

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Yeah, after those rumors I have a hard time getting hyped for the game. If those are true, of course. Hopefully they have found a solution and all is going well.

They say it’s well underway, I wonder how far along it really is and what a realistic release year could be.

Also, that whole Bully 2 thing, didn’t turn out to be anything after all I guess.

A while ago I would have said with every bit of certainty that we’re of course going to get a long and awesome story mode, like V and RDR 2. But since Houser left and the rumors…I don’t know. I just hope there’s enough passion from people there to deliver on making a fantastic story/singleplayer.

Platinum already starting to beg for some of those MS money.

Here comes a bunch of Scalebound begging.

For those that use Xcloud a lot what’s the best input. I have a Razer Kishi, I haven’t used Xcloud in awhile, I tried Halo Infinite just to see if there where some improvements and was really impressed by how good it ran but I couldn’t hit anything with that controller. I tried to just blue tooth a series controller and there was major input lag. Is there anything better out right now.

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I have been playing dying light since 7 am. Game is fantastic. I do recommend playing performance because the other 2 modes feel like crap just like the first game. Loving the world so far.


Rip sweet prince

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