XboxEra Community Hangout |OT6| New Year, Same Three Topics

But we can be Link or Samus Aran or an ever growing protagonist across games instead of blank slates.

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More on this, dev went into why it was cancelled and it seems like it’s Xbox/ID@Xbox clauses/policies

(This is not the dev’s twitter but rather just someone posting the stuff from the above link)

(Same message ran through Google Translate and DeepL just in case one of them was translating something weirdly)

Pretty sure half of that isn’t true. I believe they got rid of parity clauses and we’ve certainly seen games come later to xbox. That’s a dev straight up making excuses


Fucking Putin, man

That’s what I’ve been saying. We need new Blackthorne.

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Yeah it could be poor research on the dev’s side and maybe they think those clauses are still in place lol.

The parity clause doesn’t exist anymore since the inception of ID@Xbox, it was the first thing they removed from indie policy, it’s plenty of indies releasing at a later date, Spelunky 2 is the latest I remember. I can’t fathom how sometimes devs don’t know what they are doing/saying.


They can afford Sony for sure, but this isn’t just some gaming publisher we’re talking about. Also this is apple, drowned in multiple antitrust suits already. People are talking about Activision blizzard having potential issues, imagine trying to buy Sony.

Apple knows fuck all about how to make games, and are instead shown to actually detest gaming historically even if they make the most money from it. So there needs to be a whole sudden change in philosophy and leadership at apple regarding it. They can’t just poach a Phil Spencer or a Jim Ryan. Who’s the champion of gaming within Apple?

Sony has no reason to trust in apple’s commitment to gaming. Also apple doesn’t give Sony any ammo in the upcoming cloud and streaming paradigm, unlike say Amazon.

So no, I don’t think it’s gonna happen.

loved JFO and excited for JFO2 myself, but man, can’t believe the inferior Sekiro from the same year is getting a whole ass sequel already while Sekiro ain’t even gettin a DLC. :pensive:

I dug the story and the characters tho, including the ending. Interested to see where they take it next, and how the combat shall evolve.

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Hopefully MS will make a deal for Sekiro 2, they don’t own the IP sure but I guess they can always pursue a collaboration with From. :pray:

Completely agree on Fallen Order too, loved the first game too and I can’t wait to see what improvements Respawn will bring with the sequel. :gimme:

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Decided to restart Luigi’s Mansion 3 on Switch, one of those games that ended up in the backlog. This time I will finish it.

I gotta give credit where its due and that is that Nintendo studios always know how to give their games pretty colours, this has it, Mario Kart has it, the mainline Mario games and so on. Also they know how to take full advantage of what “little” they got, LM3 still looks great.


I wonder if Microsoft will purchase rescue them, literally LOL

Must be the episode of the history

There was a reason why the Baltic states relatively quickly joined Nato.


Connecting with characters goes a long way with games, ain’t nobody connecting with Sekiro characters

I really hope they’re a bit brave with the sequel. Ideally I’d like to see it fast forward to post ROTJ and have Cal be a master with an apprentice you play as. Could easily have interactions with Luke, Ahsoka and even Mando. I suspect it’s more likely to connect to the Star Wars Rebels stuff though.

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Iron Lords podcast this week was soooo good

Yeah it was a great crossover episode. Colin’s part was hilarious.