XboxEra Community Hangout |OT5| Season of the Infinite.. Arguments

That’s really interesting. I wish ESO would have a lot more farmable mounts, but they make their money with gacha.

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Mostly just cosmetic, although it is unique because its the only mount off the top of my head where you can perform every emote while mounted

Youre inside the little tv and it shows all your emotes. It will ultimately be easier to get in the future because right now you cannot transfer worlds without waiting in a queue for 6 hours because of how congested the servers are, so youre stuck waiting for the ones on your world to pop instead

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Development hell is never a good thing but games can get out of that and turn out fine. I mean wasn’t development of RDR and 2 kinda like that too? We don’t have enough information to go on, but in what way will people be disappointed and why? Will the game be like a GTA Online story mode? We know it will be less edgy, that’s not the end of the world though.

He saying the development is really chaotic right now and If the game is announced this year or 2022 then be very worried .

He saying Story .

TES VI is going to be very interesting because Elder Scrolls series is one of the most popular series of all time. I still have some friends that are on Playstation that hasn’t let that sink in, and some still have hope due to skyrim re-remaster

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I saw it posted on Reddit just now.

I wonder why the leaker thinks it might be announced early next year. I don’t think anyone was expecting that at all. So far all GTA games were great, one person leaves, albeit a very important one and it all goes to shit? Truly hope it will all turn out fine.

I mean the waiting for their games ever since GTA V has been hell really, lol, that’s bad enough. It’s kinda depressing all this bad Rockstar news lately, fuck.

But also, not gonna worry, this thing clearly is very far out and I see no point in worrying, won’t change anything.

I can see it. Rockstar and Take Two Interactive are so ass now. They want to be lazy and just milk microtransaction whales.

And yet we won’t be seeing Star Wars Eclipse release for a long time…

Mojang are some criminals.


Game wasnt even xbox one x enhanced, much less series x enhanced so at this point lol.

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Considering the direction they’ve went with after realising how much money they were making with GTAO, I dont know how anyone who isnt into the online isnt concerned

and yea, Mojang might as well not even be considered first party in regards to their efforts on xbox hardware

Lol. It’s more likely to be this changing world they are aiming for and the ambition has caused them major headaches.

The problem with these leakers nowadays is everyone has something to say. I checked out the whole Twitter thread and a few people say the exact opposite, that things aren’t nearly as bad and we shouldn’t worry. Only thing is, the leaker apparently did leak correct things. Ah well, we’ll see.

RDR 2 was in dev hell as well but you know what they did to fix that ? Probably the biggest crunch in the gaming industry . Probably the same thing is going to happen with GTA 6 .

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Yeah and not to mention RDR1, I remember that article about the very, very bad working conditions there. Apparently Jason’s article helped things change at Rockstar a little, but did it really? I also remember Strauss Zelnick wanting games more often from Rockstar and that GTA might become a smaller game, but I’m not sure any of that is still happening, who knows.

We can only wait and see, but for a change some positive Rockstar rumors would not be a bad thing. :frowning:

I am inclined to believe that Rockstar is having some issues going off how long it has been since GTA 5 but also the information from Schreier, which makes it sound like it is going to be a departure from the traditional GTA.

Pre orders opened on Steam a few days ago and it opened to #607 in the top sellers :skull:. This shit is going to be another “Square Enix flop” along with Babylon’s Fall

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Another proof of that :


Yeah it’s 93.49 here in Canada, so it’s above typical MSRP. Most games are still 79.99 besides the few pushing for 89.99 (very few people here support that. Even 79.99 is too high. I think most Canadian gamers wait for sales nowadays.)

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Day 3 of 4 of my communication suspension, just realized I can’t play my 360 games online.

What kind of crap is this!?