I would say it’s more T2 fault. GTA Online. Money money money.
Didn’t Dan Houser pretty much say he had no idea where to go with GTA6 even when it came to satire cuz of how volatile everything is in current media and culture?
This so freaking much. The media had a huge hand in that bullshit. That one dude… Thompson or something? He was well known to go against Rockstar a lot, such an ass, lol.
Basically GTA 6 in the same year as TES VI.
Of course TES could even be later than that, guess it depends on when Fable and InXile RPGs drop.
He said that way before. But GTA VI script should have been finished since a while.
2023/2025 that’s my own estimation. But I’m already mentally prepared to wait lol. We’ll have plenty of great games coming…
Just wanted to add that your gifs & pics always crack me up. You should earn a badge for that.
Thanks and you’re welcome lol. I maintain a whole folder just for these reaction memes/gifs/videos that I continually populate as I keep finding more!
Oh there is tons of amazing stuff coming, so it really isn’t that big of a deal, true that.
And when they finally drop that first tease, be it a tweet with artwork or the logo…I am going to be hyped as hell. Rockstar and BGS are two of the studios that can still do that for me.
I just worry slightly about two things…Dan Houser not there for 6 and that rumor about a always evolving map like Fortnite. I don’t play Fortnite, so I have no idea how that map evolves but please don’t let the GTA 6 campaign have shenanigans of any sort. Keep that to GTA Online please.
But that’s the issue with rumors too, we have so little info. For all we know this will be fantastic for the SP.
nah fuck this . I think ubisoft is going to be on the market in a few years .
Yeah… The worst part is that their singleplayer games are a big chunk of the third party offering of that kind on Xbox.
naah the problem is they’re like EA, where they have a few franchises they have hit jackpot with which will continue to sustain the entirety of the company. Ironic because EA themselves are diversifying right now. Gone are the days when Ubisoft was funding a Child of Light, Rayman, Valiant Hearts, Grow Home, etc and in with EA funding the likes of It Takes Two, Knockout City, Sea of Solitude, Lost in Random, etc.
Dan Houser alone won’t make Rockstar Games disappear. But I agree they should communicate a bit more. Leslie Benzies too left a long ago even Laslow Jones. Yes it’s sad but there are a ton of great people still at the studio. His brother Sam is still there too.
Rockstar Games has always been mainly about great single player. It’s with GTA Online that T2 is getting too greedy. Too much mtx etc I don’t like T2 vision. Just look at their basketball game pure mtx trash. I think there might be a conflict of vision between Rockstar and T2. Hopefully MS get them to pull the brakes on that and calm them down a bit.
You can have a look at this great reddit thread too. A positive outlook on Rockstar Games:
As for the evolving map for GTA VI I’m not worried as it’s the next step I think it is really exciting cause Red Dead Redemption II already has this feature of evolving map with changes over time. It was tested in this game to try if if works well and tease us for their next mainline game I bet.
Rockstar has this habit of testing and teasing features of their next game in the current one.
Have a look. Beware of spoilers if you didn’t finish the game.
And it’s just a part, not the whole thing cause you also have also NPCs changing over time.
It gives you this sense of place and time like no other game. Like you belong to this world.
Rockstar are on another level as you see RDRII still unrivaled to this day. This game is full of details and secrets we still discover to this day.
Anyway, I made a thread about GTA VI a long time ago if you wish we can discuss about it there.
Sorry for the long post
What’s the deal with gamers these days calling anything with more than three colors “cartoony”? Also anything that doesn’t look realistic = Fortnite. I think if you left it up to some every game would look and play exactly the same.
For real, i keep seeing people saying that and im like ??? what??? Just being colorful doesnt make something a cartroon jfc. Heaven forbid games have some variety and we dont return to the brown-grey era of the 360/PS3. I feel like people get cartroony and whimsical mixed up when theyre talking about colors too much.
I think Avowed will be like late 2023, Sept or Nov
Great post!
I can’t watch the videos because I have yet to truly start with RDR2, which is crazy I know, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, lmao.
Good point about a evolving map. With that in mind the rumor should just have said a evolving map like we saw in RDR2, instead of mentioning Fortnite. Sound as I read that I got scared, lol. And when you then read that games like AC and FC will have online focus i get scared Rockstar might follow. But then you realize they got GTA Online for that.
I remember reading in RDR2 reviews about how they saw NPC’s working on a yet to be built house and after several in-game days it actually was a built house, that is crazy stuff. Yeah when it comes to attention to detail Rockstar is on another level.
Thanks @Bastian & @Staffy
Leslie Benzies founded a new studio working now on a game called Everywhere
Dan Houser created one called Absurd Ventures In Games
I keep an eye on both
As for RDRII it’s a fantastic game a slow burn, really immersive Western game, not for everyone. One of the best Rockstar games ever with an Open World still unrivaled to this day for me nothing comes close.
If you want to give it a shot, maybe you could wait for a potential next gen version with why not the 1st Red Dead Redemption remade entirely on the RDRII updated RAGE engine…Who knows