XboxEra Community Hangout |OT4| Meat Circus

Aye, hopefully it does, but I doubt it will. I think it won’t be until they have a large title drop into gamepass at launch that they’ll really get that massive audience their games deserve.


Another day no fps boost news.

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Does that mean Playstation has No EXCLUSIVES :thinking: :chief_think: :nickthink: :oh_wow_think:

Hey guys, I apologize for being off topic but what is the development tool/feature in which only what is visible to the player is rendered. Thanks in advance.

Frustum Culling if you want all things within the camera zone to be rendered, even if they are behind other visible objects. Occlusion Culling would be an additional layer - where everything within the camera zone is rendered excluding objects that are behind what’s actually visible or in other words, occluded objects are excluded from the rendering.

So I think what fits your question more is Occlusion culling.

@Munki I’ve updated the post, check again for clarification. :slight_smile:


This keeps getting repeated every time there is an egregious Sony moneyhat, the problem is that next year there will be others. If MS can’t even stop them when they own the company imo is a bad look. I don’t live in the future unfortunately.


Started the mass effect legendary edition a few days ago. IMO it’s the best singleplayer series of all time. I’ve beaten the first two games 5 times and the third one twice. All as a male shepherd paragon lol. This time I’m gunna do it as male shep still but renegade. I’m not opposed to female protagonists, i love some but I can’t do it here. Male shep is iconic to me.

Anyway I’m very excited because I never did a couple of the ME2 dlc’s, and none from the third game. Going for all achievements and I plan this play through to be my last in this amazing trilogy. Also I love the third game and was fine with the ending.

Btw I got it used at GameStop for 35$ idk if it’s still on sale or not. I was gunna wait for it to hit gamepass, but I’m off work for a few weeks and got nothing to play. Also once halo comes out I won’t play anything else for a year. Then the following year will be spent playing halo while catching up on games like starfield and other gems I missed. So it’s now or wait till 2023 I think.


I already know Bioshock is next and somebody will deflect with XGS output.


Going to shamelessly plug the local ME Thread that I run here lol

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The way they stop them is by making Xbox a big enough platform that paying companies to stay off of it becomes too expensive for Sony to continue doing.


This is how Sony has operated since they entered the industry though. I’m not sure what Microsoft can do here.

They would have to aggressively pursue timed exclusive deals the same way Sony does and that’s probably not worth it for them since paying for exclusivity + Game Pass would be absurdly expensive (I assume they would want any exclusive to also be on game pass).

They need to somehow get to a point where its not worth it for publishers to take Sony’s money. And thats probably going to take some time to achieve.

During the 360 days they kept Sony in check really well, so it’s doable. Now they are “all in” I’d expect a similar counter fire, but I’m failing to see it, UNTIL NOW. Obviously I hope they’ll improve.


True but at one point Id like them to actually SNAG one of those third party games. KOTOR one stings no other way around it and I hate to see this trend continue as the Gen goes forward.

Cause it started at Deathloop and Ghostwire, FF16, Forspoken, now KOTOR and then possibly Bioshock and it keeps going on.

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Thank you so much, bro! I really do appreciate it. :fist_right:t4::fist_left:t5:


I don’t want Xbox moneyhats, only a counteroffer strategy with multiplatform + GP (which is arguably a better deal), but apparently Xbox “can’t do it for every game”, while we are not speaking about every game at all, lol, they are simply not bothering too much countering this Sony tactic, while they did in the past (which is the proof it’s perfectly doable).

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I dont even need them to snag a game exclusively for a window I just need them to at the minimum ensure day 1 over here because right now a vibe is that some high profile 3rd party games are more than willing to skip xbox.

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The fact it’s spreading over western publishers is concerning indeed.

They have had, and will have a lot of third parties that launch exclusively due to game pass deals.

They are all ID@Xbox deals, even things like STALKER 2 or Darktide, they are not in the same ballpark of multi billiom dollar publishers games.

Today is the last day to sign up for halo infinite flighting and be eligible for this flight btw

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