I gotta say, nicely done of Xbox for investing in Death’s Door devs, they have a lot of potential and I’m sure Xbox will keep investing in them after this game.
So it’s an actual Xbox exclusive? I had no idea about that until I started reading it here.
Sounds like death door is a hit well done to Xbox for nabbing it as a console exclusive will it ever go into gamepass we’ll see but Sounds like it’s a huge hit across the board
The E3 trailer said xbox exclusive without the usual console launch.
Yes, Xbox/PC exclusive.
I can already see a Death’s Door 2 being exclusive again and on gamepass.
They made their own pirate game, but where Ubisoft is chasing sunk costs looking for larger treasure, when they should have stopped their voyage when it was merely a Black-Flag Addon or DLC…
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if skull and bones gets cancelled considering after 8 years it’s just now entered alpha I would just cancel it what a disaster if it launches I have a feeling its gonna be a trainwreck
Downwards from what? They’ve always been trash.
I got to hand it to rockstar for keeping GTA online relevant for this long think about this for a second when 6 is out in 2025 as rumored they kept a live service alive for 12 years that is insane and should be commended
Yea especially after Jason left I know people have some dislike for him but when he does his job right he does it very well
Awkward moment when Xbox has the highest rated exclusive new IP this gen
Yea I wonder its permanent or just timed like some of the others
Does not seem to be timed, none of the marketing says that.
Fun fact, Death’s door is made by 2 people
They literally cant cancel it. Its in the Kotaku article.
I believe they’ve also done Kane & Lynch series which is also an action game. I just hope they find a good balance and don’t make it too much like hitman because that is not Bond imo
Yep, Kane & Lynch is by thent, forgot about that.
Yeah, this Reddit post talks about stealth, which is ok, stealth can be cool for a Bond game, but boy oh boy does it need set pieces too. It needs some spectacular moments like we’ve come to love from the movies.
We went from nothing to play to “way too much to play” in the span of two weeks.
Death’s Door, CrissTales, Flight Sim and The Ascent.