Man, the Death’s Door reviews are awesome. I had almost pre-ordered and wanted to make sure that it lived up to what I thought were great expectations. So I bought the game this morning (is still $16.99 when I bought through Xbox console store) and will be checking it out tonight
fucking hell bro I’ve never preordered a game, but this might be pushing me
Game is out now, so it isn’t a preorder at this point
Ahh I am aware, but the discount is still on for a few hours
I just watched Skill Up’s review on Death’s Door. The game looks good, but has he ever made it a point in his videos to dwell on a game’s exclusive nature? I was taken aback to see him open and close the video by framing the Xbox exclusivity in a negative light. I guess it’s only a problem when Xbox has exclusives.
I was just about to post this. Here is the timestamp for those interested.
I’m not sure why of all games he chose to take issue with exclusivity, it was this one. Maybe he wasn’t expecting it to review as well as it is? He say ‘nobody is going to buy an Xbox to play this’, but I bought a Switch for Hades, I don’t see why this couldn’t move some units.
Edit: Lock it down Xbox, pull a Sony on FF7R
Skill Up is notoriously against Xbox.
Is he? I don’t feel like I’ve had that impression before, but this video was a bit of a shocker to me.
You only need to see his industry videos on his other channel, Laymen Gaming. He is another one who hoped Xbox disappeared, but guess what, it’s not.
Did he have this problem with Hades, final fantasy 7 remake, 16, 14 or Forspoken?
Looks like Xbox still has a long road ahead, if people still have this weird ass mindset it’s gonna take more time for people to understand that Xbox is allowed exclusives from 1st party, 3rd party and indies just like Sony and Nintendo.
I stopped listening to his stuff when he said Forza Horizon 4 had MTX because of the wheelspins and that he wanted cars given to him faster and not earn them yet the wheelspins gives you free cars for just leveling up >.>
On the topic of Death’s Door, this is the perfect example why you can’t treat indies like shit because there are points (happening more and more) where they make better and more liked games than AAA teams with 10-50x the budget.
Does anyone know is deaths door timed or full exclusive?
I think it’s full… there’s been no mention of the usual “console launch exclusive” marketing.
this is highly unexpected of SkillUp tbh, his argument that it doesn’t make sense that this is an exclusive if it’s not Gamepass day 1 is a fundamental misunderstanding of how Gamepass deals work right now ie it’s not just one deal fits all, Phil has repeatedly said not all gamepass deals are made the same. In the same way not all exclusivity is made the same. Tunic isn’t announced for Gamepass either btw yet the game is exclusive to PC and Xbox consoles. Does it mean Xbox is actively sabotaging the game from coming on other platforms? No. What if the dev/publisher accepted the exclusivity deal for one reason but denied the gamepass deal for some other reason?
I mean, we’re talking about a company who literally funded the Switch port for one of their own exclusives - Cuphead, and that game is still not on Gamepass btw. It’s on a fucking Tesla, but not the service of the platform that funded that game in the first place.
Huge miss from Skillup.
Let’s wait and see if he says the same shit in the Kena review next month.
Very likely that Death’s Door, The Ascent and 12 Minutes all review in the mid to high 80s…
Indies thriving on Xbox.
You earned my follow!
Is your guys issue with Skill Up’s Death’s Door review just that advisory thing he did at the beginning?
Nah its near the end. Timestamp here
If you haven’t you REALLY should! I’m normally not into 2D games but those two games were some of the best I’ve ever played.