XboxEra Community Hangout |OT3| Setting Low Expectations

It’s the only reason why Microsoft would have marketing rights and not show it at E3.

Unless Microsoft never had marketing rights.

So it’s either or.

Either: Microsoft has marketing rights but won’t be at it’s Showcase because it won’t be on GamePass Day 1 because it’s a GamePass show.

Or: Microsoft never had marketing rights.

That so called rumour has already been busted after last year’s PS5 reveal. :joy: Microsoft won’t let it happen they have got way more cash.

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While true, we have to imagine that most deals these days from Microsoft is not about exclusivity but GamePass.

I don’t think Sony has the money to make up for all the MTX Rockstar is missing if they make it timed exclusive. But timed exclusive mods and other QoL stuff are likely.

Oh man, if that actually happens, it would hurt, like really bad. Because even when around that time I’ll likely have that ridiculously big system in my possession…I’d rather buy it for Xbox.

Makes you almost fall asleep?

Yep, exactly.

Anything GTA Online related I wouldn’t lose any sleep over.

Jeff was saying how surprising for him was the fact that Elden Ring is getting shown at SGF instead of Xbox show given he felt MS would try giving them money to have it on their show while Geoff wouldn’t and I agree, just feels weird lol

We are already speculating on that :grinning:

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You know what, I bet Sony bought the exclusivity to it. Drop this “bad” news about GoW/HZD announce Elden Ring as a PS exclusive 2 weeks later.


Don’t jinx it.

It already had announced platforms… The backlash would be ENORMOUS.

Sony doesn’t TYPICALLY by exclusivity for games with already announced platforms.

It’s the 3rd rail of gaming.


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haha don’t be silly.

Maybe they’re desperate who knows but this just feels like something they might do.

Since Microsoft was already having a packed show lineup, they had to let this one slide.

Or you know, they bought the marketing rights.

The simplist solution is most often the correct:

Xbox + Bethesda is “Day 1 on GamePass” show, and Elden Ring, despite having Xbox marketing, isn’t Day 1 on GamePass.

So you put on SGF with Xbox Marketing, market it like an Xbox game, but can’t say it’s coming Day 1 to GamePass.


It wouldn’t also be the first time that MS put some of their marketed games elsewhere. They are also a partner for SGF, so it is possible they wanted a presence there.

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Oh shit, Sunday has a lot!

Also Take Two being here…wonder what they could have. Borderlands 3 dlc maybe, but new announcements. Bioshock immediately followed with the bad news about exclusivity? Has TT done a show before?

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Yeah I was thinking this also, maybe Elden Ring was going to be on Game Pass but it fell through and they didn’t want to change their whole E3 show just to fit another game in.


GTA 6 shadow drop

I think we need to accept (for now) that most of the upcoming X0/E3 showcases will be “GamePass” shows, and any big third-party games there will be games that launch Day 1 on GamePass.

That being said, you also need to adjust mentally what games could show up, because not all companies are on the “Day 1 on GamePass” train yet, so we might see alot of companies go elsewhere with marketing.

It’s a double-edged sword.

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