XboxEra Community Hangout |OT2| Cracking down on shitposting

Yeah, I can see something like that, the Schreier article basically confirmed what we already thought about Sony practices, even if I didn’t think they were Metacritic whores like that.

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Have to disagree here, a bullet-hell rogue-like experience isn’t exactly Uncharted-like just because it has a 3rd person perspective and cutscenes in the beggining, I’d say. The gameplay itself is completely different, and Returnal’s appeal, even with the highest production values for Housemarque, is much more niche.

Its working for them so they are doing it. The intial impressions for return have been really positive from almost everyone (I like skill up views and he liked it as well).

Once in a while I always change my living room, in the sense of TV and couch placement. This time I decided to put the couch and TV so that I am viewing from the “ideal” viewing distance for 4K and for a TV of this size, 65 inch. I believe they recommend 2 meters and I am about 2 to 2.5 away from it.

I was afraid it was going to be bad for non 4K content but it’s actually pretty damn nice. The other day I played games like Shadow Tactics and other 1080p games and it was fine. Even content below 1080p was fine. But it was with 4K games where I really started to appreciate the finer details more. I used to think the recommended viewing distance was crazy, but I’m a fan now.

I also checked Witcher 3 and used performance mode and compared that to the 4K mode, at this distance the difference is immediately noticeable. Back when the viewing distance was still 3.5 to 4m I didn’t see it at all.


Yes, it’s looking good, but everyone is complaining about the price. I don’t have a PS5 yet, but 70 bucks for this game is steep.

To be a little fair, it is the case with basically every publisher because games are so expensive. It is just the PlayStation fans still thought Sony was somehow different when the fact of the matter is they are not. I mean you had that slide with most of Sony’s output and they were basically all 3rd person, action adventure games, that is not a coincidence.

It is why what is happening at Xbox is fascinating because we are led to believe Xbox is allowing their studios more creative freedom and that can only be a good thing for the platform.

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Xbox openly rejected those practices after the initial Xbox One strategy ended with Phil promotion (not the 2014 one, the 2017 one, the last game from that idea was Quantum Break) and the concurrent Game Pass launch in the same year. It’s not really sustainable, it creates the same blockbuster bubble of Hollywood “big splash or bust” and it’s very very risky.

You know I hate to sound like a downer but since ps5 launch they have had miles morales demon souls ratchet soon and Returnal in a few days. I feel based on previews Returnal is gonna do well. Xbox has been doing great things with bc and all that but they need to get that games output going soon

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Disco Elysium sounds like such a complex RPG. Been listening to the guys at Castle Super Beast discussing that game and I am drooling with all the possibilities. Might buy it when it releases for Xbox.


I understand the sentiment, but this has been debated to death on here and nothing more can be added to the conversation I feel.

This is unfortunately the consequence of Xbox only really being able to start greenlighting games around 2018 when funding was dramatically increased and games take time, especially good ones. The good news is that we all know a lot of games are in development so they will eventually come.


I don’t really understand why people keep bringing up stuff like this and when the last XGS game was.

We all understand the situation. There is nothing that is going to happen that will change it. Why dwell on it ao much?


You also had Destiny 2 Beyond Light, Outriders and MLB The Show included in Game Pass since day one, 3 AAA games which cost 60/70/80$/€ on PS5, so…the games will arrive, you are also speaking about a glorified DLC, a remake of an old ass game and we need to see Returnal.

I also hate when Gears Tactics is NEVER mentioned in these dumb lists, it is a very good game (full and new, it’s not always guaranteed lol), its critic score and public reception show it well.


Ya $70 for any game is a bit steep especially a rougelike

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The new zealand trick works! If you want you could play Nier now!

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weird it didn’t work for me with MLB the other day, but cool that it still works

I think you have to buy the game for it, to make it work

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That makes perfect sense since I don’t think that has ever worked with a gamepass game

Got super excited because I got an email from Xbox, thought I got an invite. Turned out to be them telling me Xbox no longer requires gold for free to play :unamused:

Gamepass is region locked to your acc I think, this could be the reason. The console and games itself are not unless manually changed by the pub.

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I was invited yersterday late night (in Italy). I tried something and I can say that for single player the experience is almost the same of a One S (the version of the game which is streamed), for multi player pvp like Gears 5, ehm, is bad. It is better when you use a USB controller (Bluetooth is shit, the difference is night and day even if you are an unsensitive person), then the input lag is acceptable, but the overall fluidity of the stream is really bad. It’s a beta, but I will never try to play mp experiences from the cloud again. At least until they use Series X blades.

PS: I was trying from a W10 laptop through Edge, I don’t have any iOS device.

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