XboxEra Community Hangout |OT2| Cracking down on shitposting

Prediction podcasts are always fun for E3 and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard multiple other channels talk about how much stuff like that brings in traffic around E3 time. I’m sure predictions are harder to do when you know half the show :joy:

Yeah, I’m sure they’re still preparing a lot of stuff, demos and trailers are still being completed, deals getting finished and all that stuff.

A great show is ahead of us, no matter what they end up showing at the end. E3 2018, 2019 and even 2020 already told us they can prepare some good stuff.


Looks good, expected a faster paced gameplay tho.

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I feel like this will be the best Xbox E3 showing in years regardless of what’s shown. I haven’t really been super impressed by their E3 showings in recent years.


I still watch 2018 sometimes…


Idk but today it’s again time to make a trip too New zealand :rofl:

They forced another studio into the nth Uncharted-like, when this thing will end? Imo not every AAA game must use the same camera perspective and/or recurring tropes.

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So close!

I really do try my best to stay away from the great console war between PlayStation & Xbox. I really do. I think it’s a pointless waste of time to pay much attention to any of it.

But… I have to say that it’s pretty funny watching PS warriors online doing their absolute best to convince us & themselves that Returnal looks like a fully fledged AAA production which will fully justify its asking price.

I’m not going to bang on about it & I’m not trying to start anything. I mean no disrespect to the devs working on the game either. It’s just funny to watch a cult hive-mind operating in real time, that’s all I want to say.


Avalanche and IOI all make sense for MS to partner with. Acquistions are not possible, so partnerships are the best bet

Not possibile why, MS could buy at whim even tomorrow small entites like that.

Avalanche are owned by Nordisk and IOI want to be independent

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Nordisk would sell for the right price (gaming is only an investment for them, it’s not their core business) and I remember Obsidian and Insomniac screaming over the rooftops their beliefs about independece, lmao.


A publisher selling an individual studio to another publisher is unheard off

Like Visual Concepts from SEGA to T2? XD

Anyway, Nordisk isn’t a pub, they are a movie company which owns a publisher, Avalanche itself. As I said in the previous post, gaming is not their core business, they are in it for investment and for the right price the WILL sell.


ahhh they didn’t do it ? lol the team wanted to try AAA field also this is nowhere uncharted-like.

just the game have story and TPS Camera does not mean it will be uncharted-like.

I mean, I remember their last game and it was nowhere near this and I can almost see the same type of movements of other Sony games, like when I saw and played Days Gone, they all use the same recurring tropes, because of their network of support studios which make the assets and the basic stuff. Obviously Housemarque has added their own flavour with the rogue like thing, it is the minimum.

Anyway, we will see if the cult will buy this game enogh to warrant a sequel and/or a Housemarque acquisition, imo 80€ is a tough call for this one.

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I don’t know about forcing them but here is the thing, developers are not stupid and they understand implicit demands from publishers even if it is not directly asked of them. It is entirely possible that Housemarque wanting to branch into the more AAA space they therefore pitched Returnal to Sony because they understand that Sony is more likely to greenlight it if it is 3rd person etc.

The article by Jason Schreier basically demonstrated this when he wrote about the support studio pitching the Last of Us remake, why? Because they understood it would be less risky to Sony and therefore more likely to greenlight it.

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