XboxEra Community Hangout |OT2| Cracking down on shitposting

Ahh, I think it’s last gen Gran Turismo?

Yeah, GT Sport is PS4, GT7 is PS5.

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Is other studios trying to make full use of both boxes too? I kinda want to see maybe the coalition making gears 6 or a new ip using the full features and the full potential of both boxes

“Don’t complain if a game doesn’t get a sequel if it wasn’t supported at launch.”

The elitism displayed here is something else. Fuck you if you don’t buy our game at full price, also don’t complain and don’t ask for a sequel, because you are less worthy as a fan.


All first-party will use the full power of the consoles eventually, that’s why they’re first-party. But even cross-gen games like Halo Infinite are going to look amazing on the Series consoles.

But more importantly of all to me, they’re going to play amazing, 60fps and 120fps.

This is literally something Don Mattrick would say.



I think this tells us that Sony won’t provide an equal to Gamepass anytime soon.

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I don’t want to take shots at Sony specifically, because this is an industry-wide problem. Maybe if you as a developer want more people to buy the game at full-price on launch then don’t release a buggy mess that will gather less positive reviews, and will take months to fix? Recent examples were, yes, Days Gone, but also Cyberpunk 2077.

I played Days Gone at launch from a review code and it was the least stable Sony exclusive game I have played on the PS4 generation. Don’t remember that many bugs, but performance wise it was not good.


If there only could be a model for regular cashflow from paying customers so game publishers weren’t so depended on day 1 sales :confused:


Dude even referes to PS Plus in this negative way as well:

"If you love a game, buy it at f-cking full price. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen gamers say ‘yeah, I got that on sale, I got it through PS Plus, whatever’.

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I don’t think you should take that as elitism or looking down on people. It’s reality.

If a product is released and I am forced to cut its price to move units then that product is a failure. Why re-invest in a product that you cant sell at your target price?

Surely there are plenty of reasons that people don’t but full priced games (like not being able to afford it). Not sure that changes the optics though.


I mean, but blaming the fans who support the product, even if they buy on discount or play through the subscription? And what about people who simply can’t afford to buy at launch due to personal economic reasons? That’s why I said it looks like elitism to me.


This is interesting though because I’ve seen many members of the community says the same thing about Xbox first party games and Japanese games on Xbox.

I’m not sure if his comment is a dig at games pass as I haven’t read the article, but if it is, seems like it more of an issue with management not cutting a good deal with Xbox to fairly compensate its studio for any drop in sales.

I think if someone can’t afford it then its not really a message for them. Though I can see how it could come across as offensive.

There are a lot of people who could easily buy the games at launch but choose not to because of various reasons (don’t want the game enough, game overpriced, think itll come on Game Pass eventually). Personally, I look at Returnal at $70 and am like im not paying for that shit, ill buy it at $40. If there are enough of me out there, that game aint getting a second shot.

I think at its most basic level, if you are a fan of something and have the means you should support it.


it’s weird and obfuscating to hear this from the former days gone creative director cause we know outright that days gone’s issue wasn’t how it sold , it was its critical reception, jason’s report literally goes over this and Garvin himself says he doesn’t know the numbers. It comes back to sony if they don’t want to green light a game cause it “only” sold 2 million at launch instead of 3-4 million . similarly it comes back to them if folks aren’t trained to buy a game at launch cause they are well aware they can easily buy it for half price just six months later or during a holiday sale or that it will be part of ps+ some day . Lastly it’s utterly baffling to say this in regards to days gone cause it’s a new ip, you buy an ip full priced when you know , it has good critical reception and word of mouth that was absolutely not the case for days gone, but there’s no being a “fan” of a new ip unless you are just supporting anything a company , creator or studio puts out . all in all some baffling and off putting statements coming out of this latest interview .


Game industry is changing.

One side is giving you games day and date

Other doesn’t care about you because you didn’t pay the full price

I loved this game but now i don’t have any interest in the studio which make it

There’s no right answer here, but if you’re developing a game in today’s climate, you have to understand the spending habits of your consumers and take that into account. Maybe don’t make your game exceedingly long and expensive to make. Maybe make a better game? But don’t blame the people who supported you and are disappointed that there won’t be a sequel. However you feel about the subject, that’s just not the way to go about it and it just looks bad.


I agree, but from Sony standpoint, their games are high quality linear single player actions, so zero replay value nor any legs in the long run, if one of these titles don’t sell well at launch, it’s done, like Death Stranding or Days Gone or The Last Guardian, Killzone Shadow Fall, etc…even Bloodborne didn’t set the world on fire saleswise and Sony never patched it for ps4pro or ps5, money talks.

They fueled a narrative for almost a decade, now they are trapped in the hollywood loop they have built for themselves: if it’s not a day one hit, it’s a failure.


Yeah it’s their strategy at “fault” here, no developer should be blaming their audience.

“Damn Sony didn’t greenlight a sequel because of sales, those damned consumers should have bought my game!”

I’m sure that people who loved the trailers for the game, bought it at full price, if then those people weren’t enough people to justify a second game for Sony, then you should do better next time, find what the last game was lacking.

Or maybe go to Xbox or other studio and have more room for error and creativity, if you aren’t satisfied by how things work with Sony.

Things will be even worse in the future, only few titles can be sold easily like spider man or god of war, expecially at 80€ here in Europe.