XboxEra Community Hangout |OT2| Cracking down on shitposting


Is ID even usable on anything thats not shooters?


Today is when SE could talk about FF7R for other platforms, or I guess from here on out they can. Doesnā€™t necessarily have to be today. And even then itā€™s probably only PC anyway.

Yeah, after update some things were broken, but know they should be fine.


this is kinda an out of left field idea, but what if the rumoured Microsoft and Nintendo partnership is around idtech?

Think about it, unreal engine doesnt typically run that well on switch, and idtech seemed to run a bit better, atleast it ran fairly well in doom. Plus idtech uses Vulcan which the switch largely supports natively

Its probably not that, but its a much more likely thing than a mario game coming to game pass lol. Especially since @Shpeshal_Nick said that the rumored partnership wasnā€™t about goldeneye

Can confirm no longer broke.

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Honestly, I think theyā€™re saving that announcement for when that DLC update is out since that also when the game gets ps5 update

200 million for PC expansion - closing game pitches on the console

How will platform holders gonna take this? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think it is more related to movies and music with Unreal.

I am just joking - quiet understandable from my emoji :sweat_smile:

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Sorry, I was never good with jokes :sweat_smile:

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Iā€™ve been trying to Game more and do less social media/forums for a bit. As such, Iā€™m out of the loop a bit. Whatā€™s this nonsense about MGS and Xbox? I assume itā€™s tales from someoneā€™s butt? Also, if you have access play Monster Hunter Rise and Fantasian. Great Japanese games, gotta represent my kin!

@ProgStopper I just read about your dog. Sorry, that really sucks. I had to put one down around a year ago. He was 18-19 years old, had bad cancer. I had him since he was a pup, it was one of the hardest moments of my life. I remember the day approaching that we had to take him in. We took him to a little drive through coffee spot, they gave him a ā€œpuppacinoā€ which was whip cream and such in a cup. He loved that stuff. He was the absolute best, always gave all of his heart no matter what. Ugh, sorry for reminiscing, but dogs are family and I hate that you have to deal with that.


Thanks for the kind words.

As for the Xbox + Metal Gear thing, itā€™s ACG saying something heā€™s heard from somebody he trusts thatā€™s gone 8 for 8 this year so far.

Most likely itā€™s just Kojima + Xbox Global Publishing.


Dying Light + Days Gone + State of Decay


This guy is making some huge bets!

Either he will be a laughing stock among the insiders


Be a legend

Dude leave him alone. He some kid/guy with special needs thatā€™s friends with Phil. Even says so on his bio. Let him have his fun.



If he is just trolling - Then he is just taking advantage of Phil and friendship


So MG and Silent Hill? Nah doubt it. Itā€™s not like SH a heavy hitting franchise anymore, not like RE. And MGā€¦nah.

Donā€™t make me tap the sign.

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