Finally console footage!
I have to say that this is looking really good, both visuals and framerate in both modes. From what I’m seeing I probably wouldn’t go with quality mode because performance mode visually speaking seems very, very acceptable.
Finally console footage!
I have to say that this is looking really good, both visuals and framerate in both modes. From what I’m seeing I probably wouldn’t go with quality mode because performance mode visually speaking seems very, very acceptable.
It appears this week is Switch 2 reveal as said by Tom last week and now more are reporting it today.
Key Takeaways
A remake of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is in development by Virtuos using Unreal Engine 5.
The game is confirmed to be fully remade, implying significant changes compared to the original.
Gameplay improvements include reworks to Stamina, Stealth, Blocking, Archery, Hit Reaction, and HUD.
Klob posted it as well. Definitely happening. Question is when to announce it.
Dev direct sounded like the perfect place, but it seems that’s not happening. And the new rumor was it could come out as soon as June, right? Yeah, odd. No idea.
My only worry, I guess is it being UE5. Performance wise, but also the stuff that makes a BGS game a BGS game like Interactivity of objects and such, physics.
You just need more capable developers, with all due respect to others. It is possible to announce it at later event. Maybe even at Showcase and shadow drop it on that day. Treat it like Quake. It sure sounds like it’s ready.
I really hope this Remake business for Oblivion is real. Even if it’s just a facelift remaster, I still can’t wait for it.
Yeah, I’ll definitely have to dust off my torches and pitchforks if they ruin it.
I’m not all that excited for the Oblivion Remake because I did a playthrough again some time last year and don’t really want to play it again that soon. It would be nice to have though and I would play the the new version some time eventually whenever I feel like revisiting it again.
Yep, Performance modes look great o_O.
These developers got a banger on their hands, the game’s got some of the most positive previews i’ve seen in a long time, and performance wise it’s looking surprisingly polished.
Expected 200K+ CCU on Steam at least and 3-4M sales on it’s first month. Releasing so close to MH: Wilds will hurt it a bit tho.
As for Oblivion, wasn’t planning on playing it since i’ve put hundreds of hours already, and specially, the combat etc hasn’t aged that great, but if it’s true they polished it, it’ll be a must play.
Even if it’s just to relive one of the best moments in gaming ever:
Spoiler for the DD(?):
Windows Central: Xbox Developer Directs 4th Game is seemingly “a new entry in a legendary Japanese IP which has decades of history” via sources
Ninja Gaiden is my bet.
I saw that Windows Central just had to spoil the surprise game. I don’t know what it is, but why oh why WC? I could swear Jez said he wouldn’t reveal it, or maybe I’m now confused about some other game or thing.
Someone should rework their new year resolution. I haven’t seen it but I heard it was still too much.
My bet will be Dragon Quest XII but if we want to get even crazier a new Castlevania by a well known studio that never made a Castlevania game before thus the “surprise location” or maybe it’s MercurySteam again?
BTW I don’t know if I want a new Ninja Gaiden from Hayashi, can we survive another NG3 fiasco again? -_-
Castlevania is one of my favourite franchises ever so I would be all over the moon.
Same here! I recently had a chat with a good friend of mine and we were saying how amazing a Lords Of Shadow 3 would look nowadays. Oh well…a man can dream right?
Blur nation!
Anyway, just one more week.
Doom The Dark Ages preorder page is up but can’t preorder just yet. We definitely can expect a release date.
Its still Gamebryo underneath
Lords of Shadow 1/2 are my favorite 3D Castlevania titles, and I even consider the first to be one of the top Castlevanias IMO. I’d kill for a new one from MercurySteam
Imagine only seeing notification banner on your phone.