XboxEra Community Hangout |OT13| The Bakers Dozen

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I get where you’re coming from Mort but looking at the price of PS5 Pro, the level of improvements over the base consoles compared to last gen and especially how the Series X has being underutilized from the majority of developers in the name of parity (with the rare exception like Alan Wake 2, Space Marine 2 e.t.c.) I doubt the Xbox team thought that the R&D and the whole process of making and selling a very expensive mid-gen console was worth it. These resources are probably better spend on the next gen Xbox especially if the PC/console hybrid plans are true…it sounds like a gargantuan task with full on BC working well and all.

And to be honest if even Xbox released a mid-gen upgrade that brought similar improvements to the PS5 Pro and had a similar price I still wouldn’t buy it, we still haven’t seen what the base consoles can do…mid-gen upgrades are so meaningless this generation IMO.


I hate how Gunther vs Sami isn’t on the card. I don’t understand why they’re strict about having 5 matches on a PPV

While I don’t mind the setup, it wouldn’t hurt to add one more. The thing is there’s not enough backlash on it, so if it’s working, then nothing to be fixed. A double edge sword.

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There is some online discourse, but I think eventually need to maybe add an extra match or 2 for some of these events because doesn’t make sense to delegate that match to raw

It’s nowhere near loud as WeWantCody, but it could make them think over in the future. Also, it doesn’t help the attendance already sold for it even without any match announced. Survivor Series costs a lot and it’s already near sold out. It’s absolutely crazy. If you want them to change, stop supporting them. That’s strangely one way to do it.

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I just really hope the rumor is true that MS is aiming for late 2026 for their next gen console. I remember that one picture of Xbox how they are going into 2030 with next gen stuff, I believe that was way before the ABK trial? And hopefully plans have indeed changed. Not sure who came with those rumors though.

I really can’t imagine the base consoles lasting that long, well Sony probably can with their Pro but hopefully not MS. Two years having the “lesser” console isn’t the end of the world, but six more years? Nah. Wouldn’t surprise me if PS6 is 2027 or 28.

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Why do you seemingly love to live in the console war drama, when general gamers wont care about a console that is $250 more expensive?


2026 would be interesting because if GTA 6 gets pushed back until then. Then that could make things very interesting.


I’m trying really hard to see any “console war drama” in what @Staffy is talking about?

I agree with you.

All I said was the “power crown” has shifted and it will take a little bit of time to get used to. Apparently that was an insane take and I have imagined the past 7 years console landscape.


Eh…no? Like, not at all.

I’ve repeatedly in the past have said that Xbox is my console of choice and I really want to stick with that for multiplats too and have the PS5 solely for its exclusives. So for ME two more years having the “lesser” console in terms of how these multiplats will look/perform is doable.

It’s really just me hoping the reports or rumors about late 2026 for next gen Xbox are true. It would make it six years into the current gen, not too bad. There is nothing console warry about that. So can we just not do that?

You’re guess is as good as mine, my friend.

Yep, absolutely! Late 2025 for the game isn’t set in stone at all yet. But if it does get delayed then I can see it being Spring 2026 or so. With then hopefully a patch for the next Xbox when that launches.

Oh I agree that for some people this may take some time getting used to but personally I couldn’t care less for minimal (with caveats too) improvements in IQ or higher quality RT reflections, personally I am more than satisfied with my SX. Also seeing the Series’s RDNA 2 feature set hardly being used by anyone this gen is making the “power crown” race even more pointless IMO…imagine MS releasing a better machine than PS5 Pro (which wouldn’t be hard) and having again parity or even in some cases worse multiplatform versions. :man_shrugging:

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Focusing on “lesser” or “greater” consoles is pretty much the heart of drama, no?

Two years having the “lesser” console isn’t the end of the world, but six more years?

Really? Please tell me you’re kidding now.

It’s exactly WHY I put it in quotation marks too, because in a way it’s still debatable if it’s a lesser console or not, for some. In terms of specs it obviously is. If we can’t even say this then what are we even doing here?

You really know better than this, please. Accuse me of being a bit negative at times, sure, but console warring? That’s not me. Let’s not make something out of nothing. Thanks.

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Now that’s marketing.

Well… shit. If this does hit us it might be a really long time before my family and I could ever recover. Worst timing imaginable as well, since we have a massive bill due next week that’s wiping out our savings. A seemingly at least Category 2 hurricane heading right for Tampa.


That sucks hear, have you checked out the disaster assistance site? Someone on Mastodon made a post about it and receiving some money to help out.

I don’t know how much this would help or if they will help but every bit counts.

Edit: as always do the research to make sure it’s legit.

Thanks, and yeah the FEMA stuff is legit. Major problem is that they’re low on funding and congress just went on a 3 month break without fixing it. As is $750 isn’t going to do much if our house is gone, but we’ll see how it goes.

Considering it’s 7:52pm EST as of me posting this and there’s still two matches left scheduled for an hour+ of time, I see why they only had 5 matches for Bad Blood. I prefer 6 matches minimum but the Hell In a Cell match went very long so cutting a match when there’s a match that’s going to go long makes sense.

Also, it’s not like WWE has any legitimate competition. AEW is the closest and they’re a distant second.

Side note: Not a fan of what HHH just announced for Crown Jewel in four weeks. UGH.

Side note 2: There you go…Gunther and Sami is happening at Bad Blood. lol

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AEW needs to work itself out before feeling like a competitor again. It’s only competitor to NXT and that one is growing with a promising new start. I’m not talking about matches and its wrestlers; those are objective. The sales, the rating, the social engagement, and others are cold right now. Next year, they have to step up or else keep going far distance. It may not matter to us, but it will soon and already for wrestlers, who now feels like the only place to “immortalized” is at WWE. They have lots of work to do.