XboxEra Community Hangout |OT13| The Bakers Dozen

The REAL reason for remastered.


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so ummm if they get sold or something what happens to Ubisoft cloud rights for ABK games? I feel like they might not recover from this

Thanks for sharing I missed that.

Heā€™s not wrong but itā€™s got to do with the sort of economy weā€™re dealing with. Not only do people have less spending money, but because essentials like shelter and food are increasing in price people have less time as theyā€™re trying other means to get money.

No joke, I write this after I spent $19 on a medium salad, something that would have cost $9.99 three years ago. Iā€™m supposed to go out to dinner with friends tonight and Iā€™m already wincing at how much Iā€™ll spend on food today, probably $55 at the end of the day.

It all adds up and Iā€™m completely reliant (and happy) in getting my gaming fix from Game Pass, which only costs me a medium salad a month.

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I would presume the rights would simply transfer to the new owner, unless there is a clause preventing a direct competitor from owning them (e.g. Sony).

Although this only applies to outside of the EU which I still find ironic.

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This user is a fool. You supposed to have Pro to play it.


I thought the rights go back to Microsoft but not entirely sure. Donā€™t remember the source.


ā€œbut but but xbots donā€™t buy games because of gamepassā€ Currently itā€™s #10 in Canda for top paid games. See Square this is what happens when you donā€™t take Sony deals. They left so much money on the table . Weird itā€™s not showing full tweet

Weird it wasnā€™t showing full tweet but pixel remasters is #12 in the US xbox store


Sega, Capcom, and Bamco:

one of us


I thought this initially too, however when I tried to look into it earlier I couldnā€™t find anything to confirm.

Iā€™m pretty sure there are clauses in there about who could or couldnā€™t acquire Ubisoft as well and maybe even some exclusions as who could pick up the ABK rights if they ever sold em separately.

This time for PC.



No, they donā€™t. I think Hoeg dealt with this sometime ago. I think they would be transferrable or maybe renewed with maybe some new staples.

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Second wind.

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Stumbled upon this:



That game is so beautiful and unique. The team deserves all the love.


When is PRAGMATA coming. Any news.

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Rod Fergusson confirms Diablo IV and Vessel of Hatred will be PS5 Pro optimised.

This may seem unimportant but the reality is that all of these decisions matter a lot if you really want to compete in the console market.

I am okay with Xbox not releasing a mid-gen upgrade but updating their games to make use of the PS5 Pro capabilities only make sense if you re all in in the 3rd party venture and having an inferior version in your console doesnt matter to you.

I made the mistake of going from PC to Xbox consoles and at this point I am planning on reversing my decision.

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