Well that’s one way to advertise…
They are starting the program in the US, but are working on expanding it:
“Yes, I am sorry about that. We are working on expanding our recruiting, but for right now we can only recruit US participants.”
Gotcha, hopefully they expand ASAP because I feel its key to get input from devs outside of US. A thing like this should be open to all regions imo
I guess Xbox Era reviews are the only ones I trust nowadays. It tells me about the good and the bad without the drama and overall negativity floating around some of the franchises.
And I don’t care about the score, I just want to know if I will like the game or not. Xbox Era reviews happen to be exactly that. Other reviewers seem to care more about giving their opinion…
I think I know what you’re talking about. I’ll just say it’s strange from a review standpoint to score be drastically lower when you liked the base game. I can understand scoring it a bit lower due to size of content or price. However, to go from an A to a D if it’s more of the base game is strange imo. It does seem like one of those instances where discourse influenced a score. I’ll just leave it at that
Been seeing tweets from this account before…
But I see no checkmark (or did Elon remove these now?) but the account info sounds pretty legit. If it is, Division 3 is happening? Interesting.
Not sure about twitter/x or that account. But I think Ubi announced the Division 3 last year? As a fan of the games looking forward to it.
No clue if that account is real, but massive career page does show jobs that say the Division 3 in them
The Division 3 was announced last year.
Yep. It’s like these reviewers are all bored and want something that Starfield is not and probably will never be.
There’s a structure to Ubisoft and Bethesda games that is inherently boring if you have been doing it for decades. You should’nt judge these games on that basis.
Starfield still has problems and yet, Shatterd Space is doing so many things better than in the base game that it should be lauded.
I don’t agree with the Bethesda part at least, Ubisoft’s formula, we all know it and it’s getting less and less appealing.
But Skyrim on Steam has more players daily than Starfield (and most AAA single players games tbh) even after it’s last expansion, it has an overall 94% positive reviews there, and 95% positive recent reviews, people loved and still love it.
Starfield has absolutely nothing to do with Bethesda’s formula, it’s exploration is about copypasta points of interest in a procedural map. Actually the game focuses on what Bethesda has always been worst at, story, combat and writing, and unnecesary choices the game gives you to make you feel like it’s a RPG.
I bought the early access game and got the expansion, wanted to wait for reviews this time, was slightly hyped when they said they wanted to work around a small map like Skyrim, but the “professional” reviews are bashing it, and while i don’t care much about these, the Steam ones, from people that actually had to pay to play it, is even worse, like 38% positive only.
Sucks hard to see (for me at least) one of the best 2-3 studios from this century in this state, with such bad word of mouth now, this expansion reviewing poorly and the game sales being so bad when Skyrim is on it’s way to 70 million… but it is what it is, and i hope they can go back to their peak, because no one made games like The Elder Scrolls ones, but there’s a lot to change to get there right now.
It is laying groundwork though, the price for next gen that is
This one in particular seems like a very smart move, outside of Pokemon Go which is very different to traditional Pokemon anyway, is there anything else?
There’s a massive market there not being utilised
It makes sense, both 1 & 2 were very popular.
I really enjoyed playing them co-op.
I missed it. No fair. This means CoD is exclusive! Rabble! Rabble! Rabble!
Random Fact: RPGSite asked Fairy Tail devs if they were going to bring it to Xbox version. Responded with if there’s demand. Whether it happens or not, I’m just glad Xbox isn’t seen like “a product that doesn’t exist.” Like who asked for Stadia port. Know what I mean?