Reading that article, I assume this publication is funded by Sony via some offshore company or something. Not even joking.
The article doesn’t even address the complaints like the huge budgets and sustainability but instead focuses on tech that will actually make things worse. Truly genius.
GameRant is an article mill, they put out as many SEO bait articles every day as they can in hopes of getting clicks/attention. Do not look for logic in what they do, and then realize they’re a “top critic” on opencritic
Brought to you by a device that will outlive PSVR2.
PS does not have big exclusives coming this year and recent reports show they have a bleak future if they dont change their current business model but the good thing is…they will make even MORE expensive games that could lead to even less money earn and that could lead to more layoffs and/or more studio closures!
Oh and be excited for some random online avatar thing that nobody really cares about!!
Gaming media being a circus but no one should be surprised anymore
It’s crazy how they have gone from under 300 Billion to 2 Trillion in less than two years.
AI is just going to keep getting bigger and bigger.
I feel that if you have yet to play this and looking forward to expansion, just time it before its release.
I shoukd try again, I lasted like 20 minutes and turned it off lol
Currently doing a new playthrough, as using a higher level character after being away makes getting used to the game difficult for me.
im gonna be starting over as well going for an archer build
I’ve wanted to try one since bows are the best they have ever been, but that will be for another day. Right now, I’m trying to decide between: fist weapons, curve swords, great swords or any colossal weapon and just bouncing between them.
Wait, do they mean that the game is hitting Game Pass?
Why did they e have to write “Game” like that… Why yyyy
He had the png to snip from, and no a social media person would never tease that on a personal account
That GameRabt article is like the inverse of that Hi Fi Rush review that said ‘yeah this is a great game, but we can’t recommend it because Xbox has no games’.
Jesus wept.
What I find weird is why isn’t there any Xbox pro websites that do the same shit but against Sony, wouldn’t that get even more clicks as there’s more PS users. Anger sells so instead of peddling to those people, why not make them angry lol.
I hope the game is still happening. So far we’ve only had rumors anyway, so it’s probably best to not expect a thing.
which game are you talking about ?
I think he’s talking about the absurd GameRant article that was more or less “Playstation has no games this year and here’s why that’s a good thing”
Gotcha, they’re fortunate to get these third party deals because it hides the output of their first party output. It’s crazy how media is quiet about this